import.legacy.php 2.78 KB
 * Bootstrap file for the Joomla Platform [with legacy libraries].  Including this file into your application
 * will make Joomla Platform libraries [including legacy libraries] available for use.
 * @package    Joomla.Platform
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

// Set the platform root path as a constant if necessary.
if (!defined('JPATH_PLATFORM'))
	define('JPATH_PLATFORM', __DIR__);

// Detect the native operating system type.
$os = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3));

if (!defined('IS_WIN'))
	define('IS_WIN', $os === 'WIN');

if (!defined('IS_UNIX'))
	define('IS_UNIX', $os !== 'MAC' && $os !== 'WIN');

 * @deprecated 4.0	Use IS_UNIX instead
if (!defined('IS_MAC'))
	define('IS_MAC', IS_UNIX === true && ($os === 'DAR' || $os === 'MAC'));

// Import the library loader if necessary.
if (!class_exists('JLoader'))
	require_once JPATH_PLATFORM . '/loader.php';

// Make sure that the Joomla Loader has been successfully loaded.
if (!class_exists('JLoader'))
	throw new RuntimeException('Joomla Loader not loaded.');

// Setup the autoloaders.

JLoader::registerPrefix('J', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy');

// Check if the JsonSerializable interface exists already
if (!interface_exists('JsonSerializable'))
	JLoader::register('JsonSerializable', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/vendor/joomla/compat/src/JsonSerializable.php');

// Add deprecated constants
// @deprecated 4.0
define('JPATH_ISWIN', IS_WIN);
define('JPATH_ISMAC', IS_MAC);

 * Mask for the raw routing mode
 * @deprecated  4.0

 * Mask for the SEF routing mode
 * @deprecated  4.0

// Register the PasswordHash lib
JLoader::register('PasswordHash', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/phpass/PasswordHash.php');

// Register classes where the names have been changed to fit the autoloader rules
// @deprecated  4.0
JLoader::register('JSimpleCrypt', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/simplecrypt/simplecrypt.php');
JLoader::register('JTree', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/base/tree.php');
JLoader::register('JNode', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/base/node.php');
JLoader::register('JObserver', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/base/observer.php');
JLoader::register('JObservable', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/base/observable.php');
JLoader::register('LogException', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/log/logexception.php');
JLoader::register('JXMLElement', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/utilities/xmlelement.php');
JLoader::register('JCli', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/application/cli.php');
JLoader::register('JDaemon', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/application/daemon.php');
JLoader::register('JApplication', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/legacy/application/application.php');