RouterLegacy.php 2.17 KB
 * Joomla! Content Management System
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router;

defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;

 * Default routing class for missing or legacy component routers
 * @since  3.3
class RouterLegacy implements RouterInterface
	 * Name of the component
	 * @var    string
	 * @since  3.3
	protected $component;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param   string  $component  Component name without the com_ prefix this router should react upon
	 * @since   3.3
	public function __construct($component)
		$this->component = $component;

	 * Generic preprocess function for missing or legacy component router
	 * @param   array  $query  An associative array of URL arguments
	 * @return  array  The URL arguments to use to assemble the subsequent URL.
	 * @since   3.3
	public function preprocess($query)
		return $query;

	 * Generic build function for missing or legacy component router
	 * @param   array  &$query  An array of URL arguments
	 * @return  array  The URL arguments to use to assemble the subsequent URL.
	 * @since   3.3
	public function build(&$query)
		$function = $this->component . 'BuildRoute';

		if (function_exists($function))
			$segments = $function($query);
			$total    = count($segments);

			for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)
				$segments[$i] = str_replace(':', '-', $segments[$i]);

			return $segments;

		return array();

	 * Generic parse function for missing or legacy component router
	 * @param   array  &$segments  The segments of the URL to parse.
	 * @return  array  The URL attributes to be used by the application.
	 * @since   3.3
	public function parse(&$segments)
		$function = $this->component . 'ParseRoute';

		if (function_exists($function))
			$total = count($segments);

			for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)
				$segments[$i] = preg_replace('/-/', ':', $segments[$i], 1);

			return $function($segments);

		return array();