<?php /** * Joomla! component Creative Contact Form * * @version $Id: 2012-04-05 14:30:25 svn $ * @author creative-solutions.net * @package Creative Contact Form * @subpackage com_creativecontactform * @license GNU/GPL * */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restircted access'); jimport('joomla.application.component.controlleradmin'); class CreativeContactFormControllerSubmissions extends JControllerAdmin { /** * Constructor. * * @param array $config An optional associative array of configuration settings. * * @return ContactControllerContacts * @see JController * @since 1.6 */ public function __construct($config = array()) { parent::__construct($config); $this->registerTask('delete', 'deleteSubmission'); $this->registerTask('make_read', 'make_read'); $this->registerTask('make_unread', 'make_unread'); // make_read } public function deleteSubmission() { $pks = $this->input->post->get('cid', array(), 'array'); // Get the model $model = $this->getModel(); $result = $model->deleteSubmission($pks); $link = 'index.php?option=com_creativecontactform&view=submissions'; $msg_type = 'message'; $msg = JText::_( 'COM_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_SUBMISSION_DELETED' ); $this->setRedirect($link, $msg, $msg_type); } public function make_read() { $pks = $this->input->post->get('cid', array(), 'array'); // Get the model $model = $this->getModel(); $result = $model->make_read($pks); $link = 'index.php?option=com_creativecontactform&view=submissions'; $msg_type = 'message'; $msg = JText::_( 'COM_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_SUBMISSION_SET_READ' ); $this->setRedirect($link, $msg, $msg_type); } public function make_unread() { $pks = $this->input->post->get('cid', array(), 'array'); // Get the model $model = $this->getModel(); $result = $model->make_unread($pks); $link = 'index.php?option=com_creativecontactform&view=submissions'; $msg_type = 'message'; $msg = JText::_( 'COM_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_SUBMISSION_SET_UNREAD' ); $this->setRedirect($link, $msg, $msg_type); } /** * Proxy for getModel. * * @param string $name The name of the model. * @param string $prefix The prefix for the PHP class name. * * @return JModel * @since 1.6 */ public function getModel($name = 'submissions', $prefix = 'CreativeContactFormModel', $config = array('ignore_request' => true)) { $model = parent::getModel($name, $prefix, $config); return $model; } }