 * Joomla! Content Management System
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

namespace Joomla\CMS\Router;

defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;

use Joomla\CMS\Log\Log;
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri;

 * Route handling class
 * @since  1.7.0
class Route
	 * No change, use the protocol currently used.
	 * @since  3.9.7
	const TLS_IGNORE = 0;

	 * Make URI secure using http over TLS (https).
	 * @since  3.9.7
	const TLS_FORCE = 1;

	 * Make URI unsecure using plain http (http).
	 * @since  3.9.7
	const TLS_DISABLE = 2;

	 * The route object so we don't have to keep fetching it.
	 * @var    Router[]
	 * @since  3.0.1
	private static $_router = array();

	 * Translates an internal Joomla URL to a humanly readable URL. This method builds links for the current active client.
	 * @param   string   $url       Absolute or Relative URI to Joomla resource.
	 * @param   boolean  $xhtml     Replace & by &amp; for XML compliance.
	 * @param   integer  $tls       Secure state for the resolved URI. Use Route::TLS_* constants
	 *                                0: (default) No change, use the protocol currently used in the request
	 *                                1: Make URI secure using global secure site URI.
	 *                                2: Make URI unsecure using the global unsecure site URI.
	 * @param   boolean  $absolute  Return an absolute URL
	 * @return  string  The translated humanly readable URL.
	 * @since   1.7.0
	public static function _($url, $xhtml = true, $tls = self::TLS_IGNORE, $absolute = false)
			// @deprecated  4.0 Before 3.9.7 this method silently converted $tls to integer
			if (!is_int($tls))
					__METHOD__ . '() called with incompatible variable type on parameter $tls.',

				$tls = (int) $tls;

			// @todo  Deprecate in 4.0 Before 3.9.7 this method accepted -1.
			if ($tls === -1)
				$tls = self::TLS_DISABLE;

			$app    = Factory::getApplication();
			$client = $app->getName();

			return static::link($client, $url, $xhtml, $tls, $absolute);
		catch (\RuntimeException $e)
			// @deprecated  4.0 Before 3.9.0 this method failed silently on router error. This B/C will be removed in Joomla 4.0.
			return null;

	 * Translates an internal Joomla URL to a humanly readable URL.
	 * NOTE: To build link for active client instead of a specific client, you can use <var>JRoute::_()</var>
	 * @param   string   $client    The client name for which to build the link.
	 * @param   string   $url       Absolute or Relative URI to Joomla resource.
	 * @param   boolean  $xhtml     Replace & by &amp; for XML compliance.
	 * @param   integer  $tls       Secure state for the resolved URI. Use Route::TLS_* constants
	 *                                0: (default) No change, use the protocol currently used in the request
	 *                                1: Make URI secure using global secure site URI.
	 *                                2: Make URI unsecure using the global unsecure site URI.
	 * @param   boolean  $absolute  Return an absolute URL
	 * @return  string  The translated humanly readable URL.
	 * @throws  \RuntimeException
	 * @since   3.9.0
	public static function link($client, $url, $xhtml = true, $tls = self::TLS_IGNORE, $absolute = false)
		// If we cannot process this $url exit early.
		if (!is_array($url) && (strpos($url, '&') !== 0) && (strpos($url, 'index.php') !== 0))
			return $url;

		// Get the router instance, only attempt when a client name is given.
		if ($client && !isset(self::$_router[$client]))
			$app = Factory::getApplication();

			self::$_router[$client] = $app->getRouter($client);

		// Make sure that we have our router
		if (!isset(self::$_router[$client]))
			throw new \RuntimeException(\JText::sprintf('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_ROUTER_LOAD', $client), 500);

		// Build route.
		$uri    = self::$_router[$client]->build($url);
		$scheme = array('path', 'query', 'fragment');

		 * Get the secure/unsecure URLs.
		 * If the first 5 characters of the BASE are 'https', then we are on an ssl connection over
		 * https and need to set our secure URL to the current request URL, if not, and the scheme is
		 * 'http', then we need to do a quick string manipulation to switch schemes.
		if ($tls === self::TLS_FORCE)
		elseif ($tls === self::TLS_DISABLE)

		// Set scheme if requested or
		if ($absolute || $tls > 0)
			static $scheme_host_port;

			if (!is_array($scheme_host_port))
				$uri2             = Uri::getInstance();
				$scheme_host_port = array($uri2->getScheme(), $uri2->getHost(), $uri2->getPort());

			if (is_null($uri->getScheme()))


			$scheme = array_merge($scheme, array('host', 'port', 'scheme'));

		$url = $uri->toString($scheme);

		// Replace spaces.
		$url = preg_replace('/\s/u', '%20', $url);

		if ($xhtml)
			$url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');

		return $url;