<?php /** * @package Joomla.Administrator * @subpackage com_finder * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); /** * Indexer class supporting MySQL(i) for the Finder indexer package. * * The indexer class provides the core functionality of the Finder * search engine. It is responsible for adding and updating the * content links table; extracting and scoring tokens; and maintaining * all referential information for the content. * * Note: All exceptions thrown from within this class should be caught * by the controller. * * @since 3.0 */ class FinderIndexerDriverMysql extends FinderIndexer { /** * Method to index a content item. * * @param FinderIndexerResult $item The content item to index. * @param string $format The format of the content. [optional] * * @return integer The ID of the record in the links table. * * @since 3.0 * @throws Exception on database error. */ public function index($item, $format = 'html') { // Mark beforeIndexing in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('beforeIndexing') : null; $db = $this->db; $nd = $db->getNullDate(); // Check if the item is in the database. $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('link_id') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('md5sum')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__finder_links')) ->where($db->quoteName('url') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->url)); // Load the item from the database. $db->setQuery($query); $link = $db->loadObject(); // Get the indexer state. $state = static::getState(); // Get the signatures of the item. $curSig = static::getSignature($item); $oldSig = isset($link->md5sum) ? $link->md5sum : null; // Get the other item information. $linkId = empty($link->link_id) ? null : $link->link_id; $isNew = empty($link->link_id) ? true : false; // Check the signatures. If they match, the item is up to date. if (!$isNew && $curSig == $oldSig) { return $linkId; } /* * If the link already exists, flush all the term maps for the item. * Maps are stored in 16 tables so we need to iterate through and flush * each table one at a time. */ if (!$isNew) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++) { // Flush the maps for the link. $query->clear() ->delete($db->quoteName('#__finder_links_terms' . dechex($i))) ->where($db->quoteName('link_id') . ' = ' . (int) $linkId); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } // Remove the taxonomy maps. FinderIndexerTaxonomy::removeMaps($linkId); } // Mark afterUnmapping in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterUnmapping') : null; // Perform cleanup on the item data. $item->publish_start_date = (int) $item->publish_start_date != 0 ? $item->publish_start_date : $nd; $item->publish_end_date = (int) $item->publish_end_date != 0 ? $item->publish_end_date : $nd; $item->start_date = (int) $item->start_date != 0 ? $item->start_date : $nd; $item->end_date = (int) $item->end_date != 0 ? $item->end_date : $nd; // Prepare the item description. $item->description = FinderIndexerHelper::parse($item->summary); /* * Now, we need to enter the item into the links table. If the item * already exists in the database, we need to use an UPDATE query. * Otherwise, we need to use an INSERT to get the link id back. */ if ($isNew) { $columnsArray = array( $db->quoteName('url'), $db->quoteName('route'), $db->quoteName('title'), $db->quoteName('description'), $db->quoteName('indexdate'), $db->quoteName('published'), $db->quoteName('state'), $db->quoteName('access'), $db->quoteName('language'), $db->quoteName('type_id'), $db->quoteName('object'), $db->quoteName('publish_start_date'), $db->quoteName('publish_end_date'), $db->quoteName('start_date'), $db->quoteName('end_date'), $db->quoteName('list_price'), $db->quoteName('sale_price') ); // Insert the link. $query->clear() ->insert($db->quoteName('#__finder_links')) ->columns($columnsArray) ->values( $db->quote($item->url) . ', ' . $db->quote($item->route) . ', ' . $db->quote($item->title) . ', ' . $db->quote($item->description) . ', ' . $query->currentTimestamp() . ', ' . '1, ' . (int) $item->state . ', ' . (int) $item->access . ', ' . $db->quote($item->language) . ', ' . (int) $item->type_id . ', ' . $db->quote(serialize($item)) . ', ' . $db->quote($item->publish_start_date) . ', ' . $db->quote($item->publish_end_date) . ', ' . $db->quote($item->start_date) . ', ' . $db->quote($item->end_date) . ', ' . (double) ($item->list_price ?: 0) . ', ' . (double) ($item->sale_price ?: 0) ); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // Get the link id. $linkId = (int) $db->insertid(); } else { // Update the link. $query->clear() ->update($db->quoteName('#__finder_links')) ->set($db->quoteName('route') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->route)) ->set($db->quoteName('title') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->title)) ->set($db->quoteName('description') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->description)) ->set($db->quoteName('indexdate') . ' = ' . $query->currentTimestamp()) ->set($db->quoteName('state') . ' = ' . (int) $item->state) ->set($db->quoteName('access') . ' = ' . (int) $item->access) ->set($db->quoteName('language') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->language)) ->set($db->quoteName('type_id') . ' = ' . (int) $item->type_id) ->set($db->quoteName('object') . ' = ' . $db->quote(serialize($item))) ->set($db->quoteName('publish_start_date') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->publish_start_date)) ->set($db->quoteName('publish_end_date') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->publish_end_date)) ->set($db->quoteName('start_date') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->start_date)) ->set($db->quoteName('end_date') . ' = ' . $db->quote($item->end_date)) ->set($db->quoteName('list_price') . ' = ' . (double) ($item->list_price ?: 0)) ->set($db->quoteName('sale_price') . ' = ' . (double) ($item->sale_price ?: 0)) ->where('link_id = ' . (int) $linkId); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } // Set up the variables we will need during processing. $count = 0; // Mark afterLinking in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterLinking') : null; // Truncate the tokens tables. $db->truncateTable('#__finder_tokens'); // Truncate the tokens aggregate table. $db->truncateTable('#__finder_tokens_aggregate'); /* * Process the item's content. The items can customize their * processing instructions to define extra properties to process * or rearrange how properties are weighted. */ foreach ($item->getInstructions() as $group => $properties) { // Iterate through the properties of the group. foreach ($properties as $property) { // Check if the property exists in the item. if (empty($item->$property)) { continue; } // Tokenize the property. if (is_array($item->$property)) { // Tokenize an array of content and add it to the database. foreach ($item->$property as $ip) { /* * If the group is path, we need to a few extra processing * steps to strip the extension and convert slashes and dashes * to spaces. */ if ($group === static::PATH_CONTEXT) { $ip = JFile::stripExt($ip); $ip = str_replace(array('/', '-'), ' ', $ip); } // Tokenize a string of content and add it to the database. $count += $this->tokenizeToDb($ip, $group, $item->language, $format); // Check if we're approaching the memory limit of the token table. if ($count > static::$state->options->get('memory_table_limit', 30000)) { $this->toggleTables(false); } } } else { /* * If the group is path, we need to a few extra processing * steps to strip the extension and convert slashes and dashes * to spaces. */ if ($group === static::PATH_CONTEXT) { $item->$property = JFile::stripExt($item->$property); $item->$property = str_replace('/', ' ', $item->$property); $item->$property = str_replace('-', ' ', $item->$property); } // Tokenize a string of content and add it to the database. $count += $this->tokenizeToDb($item->$property, $group, $item->language, $format); // Check if we're approaching the memory limit of the token table. if ($count > static::$state->options->get('memory_table_limit', 30000)) { $this->toggleTables(false); } } } } /* * Process the item's taxonomy. The items can customize their * taxonomy mappings to define extra properties to map. */ foreach ($item->getTaxonomy() as $branch => $nodes) { // Iterate through the nodes and map them to the branch. foreach ($nodes as $node) { // Add the node to the tree. $nodeId = FinderIndexerTaxonomy::addNode($branch, $node->title, $node->state, $node->access); // Add the link => node map. FinderIndexerTaxonomy::addMap($linkId, $nodeId); } } // Mark afterProcessing in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterProcessing') : null; /* * At this point, all of the item's content has been parsed, tokenized * and inserted into the #__finder_tokens table. Now, we need to * aggregate all the data into that table into a more usable form. The * aggregated data will be inserted into #__finder_tokens_aggregate * table. */ $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate') . ' (' . $db->quoteName('term_id') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('map_suffix') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('term') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('stem') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('common') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('phrase') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('term_weight') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('context') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('context_weight') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('total_weight') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('language') . ')' . ' SELECT' . ' COALESCE(t.term_id, 0), \'\', t1.term, t1.stem, t1.common, t1.phrase, t1.weight, t1.context,' . ' ROUND( t1.weight * COUNT( t2.term ) * %F, 8 ) AS context_weight, 0, t1.language' . ' FROM (' . ' SELECT DISTINCT t1.term, t1.stem, t1.common, t1.phrase, t1.weight, t1.context, t1.language' . ' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens') . ' AS t1' . ' WHERE t1.context = %d' . ' ) AS t1' . ' JOIN ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens') . ' AS t2 ON t2.term = t1.term' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_terms') . ' AS t ON t.term = t1.term' . ' WHERE t2.context = %d' . ' GROUP BY t1.term, t.term_id, t1.term, t1.stem, t1.common, t1.phrase, t1.weight, t1.context, t1.language' . ' ORDER BY t1.term DESC'; // Iterate through the contexts and aggregate the tokens per context. foreach ($state->weights as $context => $multiplier) { // Run the query to aggregate the tokens for this context.. $db->setQuery(sprintf($query, $multiplier, $context, $context)); $db->execute(); } // Mark afterAggregating in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterAggregating') : null; /* * When we pulled down all of the aggregate data, we did a LEFT JOIN * over the terms table to try to find all the term ids that * already exist for our tokens. If any of the rows in the aggregate * table have a term of 0, then no term record exists for that * term so we need to add it to the terms table. */ $db->setQuery( 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_terms') . ' (' . $db->quoteName('term') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('stem') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('common') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('phrase') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('weight') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('soundex') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('language') . ')' . ' SELECT ta.term, ta.stem, ta.common, ta.phrase, ta.term_weight, SOUNDEX(ta.term), ta.language' . ' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate') . ' AS ta' . ' WHERE ta.term_id = 0' . ' GROUP BY ta.term, ta.stem, ta.common, ta.phrase, ta.term_weight, SOUNDEX(ta.term), ta.language' ); $db->execute(); /* * Now, we just inserted a bunch of new records into the terms table * so we need to go back and update the aggregate table with all the * new term ids. */ $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->update($db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate') . ' AS ta') ->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('#__finder_terms') . ' AS t ON t.term = ta.term') ->set('ta.term_id = t.term_id') ->where('ta.term_id = 0'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // Mark afterTerms in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterTerms') : null; /* * After we've made sure that all of the terms are in the terms table * and the aggregate table has the correct term ids, we need to update * the links counter for each term by one. */ $query->clear() ->update($db->quoteName('#__finder_terms') . ' AS t') ->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate') . ' AS ta ON ta.term_id = t.term_id') ->set('t.' . $db->quoteName('links') . ' = t.links + 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // Mark afterTerms in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterTerms') : null; /* * Before we can insert all of the mapping rows, we have to figure out * which mapping table the rows need to be inserted into. The mapping * table for each term is based on the first character of the md5 of * the first character of the term. In php, it would be expressed as * substr(md5(substr($token, 0, 1)), 0, 1) */ $query->clear() ->update($db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate')) ->set($db->quoteName('map_suffix') . ' = SUBSTR(MD5(SUBSTR(' . $db->quoteName('term') . ', 1, 1)), 1, 1)'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); /* * At this point, the aggregate table contains a record for each * term in each context. So, we're going to pull down all of that * data while grouping the records by term and add all of the * sub-totals together to arrive at the final total for each token for * this link. Then, we insert all of that data into the appropriate * mapping table. */ for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++) { // Get the mapping table suffix. $suffix = dechex($i); /* * We have to run this query 16 times, one for each link => term * mapping table. */ $db->setQuery( 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_links_terms' . $suffix) . ' (' . $db->quoteName('link_id') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('term_id') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('weight') . ')' . ' SELECT ' . (int) $linkId . ', ' . $db->quoteName('term_id') . ',' . ' ROUND(SUM(' . $db->quoteName('context_weight') . '), 8)' . ' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate') . ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('map_suffix') . ' = ' . $db->quote($suffix) . ' GROUP BY ' . $db->quoteName('term') . ', ' . $db->quoteName('term_id') . ' ORDER BY ' . $db->quoteName('term') . ' DESC' ); $db->execute(); } // Mark afterMapping in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterMapping') : null; // Update the signature. $query->clear() ->update($db->quoteName('#__finder_links')) ->set($db->quoteName('md5sum') . ' = ' . $db->quote($curSig)) ->where($db->quoteName('link_id') . ' = ' . $db->quote($linkId)); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // Mark afterSigning in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterSigning') : null; // Truncate the tokens tables. $db->truncateTable('#__finder_tokens'); // Truncate the tokens aggregate table. $db->truncateTable('#__finder_tokens_aggregate'); // Toggle the token tables back to memory tables. $this->toggleTables(true); // Mark afterTruncating in the profiler. static::$profiler ? static::$profiler->mark('afterTruncating') : null; return $linkId; } /** * Method to optimize the index. We use this method to remove unused terms * and any other optimizations that might be necessary. * * @return boolean True on success. * * @since 3.0 * @throws Exception on database error. */ public function optimize() { // Get the database object. $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Delete all orphaned terms. $query->delete($db->quoteName('#__finder_terms')) ->where($db->quoteName('links') . ' <= 0'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // Optimize the links table. $db->setQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_links')); $db->execute(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++) { // Optimize the terms mapping table. $db->setQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_links_terms' . dechex($i))); $db->execute(); } // Optimize the filters table. $db->setQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_filters')); $db->execute(); // Optimize the terms common table. $db->setQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_terms_common')); $db->execute(); // Optimize the types table. $db->setQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_types')); $db->execute(); // Remove the orphaned taxonomy nodes. FinderIndexerTaxonomy::removeOrphanNodes(); // Optimize the taxonomy mapping table. $db->setQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_taxonomy_map')); $db->execute(); // Optimize the taxonomy table. $db->setQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_taxonomy')); $db->execute(); return true; } /** * Method to switch the token tables from Memory tables to MyISAM tables * when they are close to running out of memory. * * @param boolean $memory Flag to control how they should be toggled. * * @return boolean True on success. * * @since 3.0 * @throws Exception on database error. */ protected function toggleTables($memory) { static $state; // Get the database adapter. $db = $this->db; // Check if we are setting the tables to the Memory engine. if ($memory === true && $state !== true) { // Set the tokens table to Memory. $db->setQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens') . ' ENGINE = MEMORY'); $db->execute(); // Set the tokens aggregate table to Memory. $db->setQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate') . ' ENGINE = MEMORY'); $db->execute(); // Set the internal state. $state = $memory; } // We must be setting the tables to the MyISAM engine. elseif ($memory === false && $state !== false) { // Set the tokens table to MyISAM. $db->setQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens') . ' ENGINE = MYISAM'); $db->execute(); // Set the tokens aggregate table to MyISAM. $db->setQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->quoteName('#__finder_tokens_aggregate') . ' ENGINE = MYISAM'); $db->execute(); // Set the internal state. $state = $memory; } return true; } }