<?php /** * @package Regular Labs Library * @version 18.2.10140 * * @author Peter van Westen <info@regularlabs.com> * @link http://www.regularlabs.com * @copyright Copyright © 2018 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; if ( ! is_file(JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/regularlabs/autoload.php')) { return; } require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/regularlabs/autoload.php'; use RegularLabs\Library\Document as RL_Document; use RegularLabs\Library\RegEx as RL_RegEx; /** * To use this, make a start xml param tag with the param and value set * And an end xml param tag without the param and value set * Everything between those tags will be included in the slide * * Available extra parameters: * param The name of the reference parameter * value a comma separated list of value on which to show the framework */ class JFormFieldRL_Toggler extends JFormField { public $type = 'Toggler'; protected function getLabel() { return ''; } protected function getInput() { if ( ! is_file(JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/regularlabs/autoload.php')) { return null; } $field = new RLFieldToggler; return $field->getInput($this->element->attributes()); } } class RLFieldToggler { function getInput($params) { $this->params = $params; $option = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option'); // do not place toggler stuff on JoomFish pages if ($option == 'com_joomfish') { return ''; } $param = $this->get('param'); $value = $this->get('value'); $nofx = $this->get('nofx'); $method = $this->get('method'); $div = $this->get('div', 0); JHtml::_('jquery.framework'); RL_Document::script('regularlabs/script.min.js'); RL_Document::script('regularlabs/toggler.min.js'); $param = RL_RegEx::replace('^\s*(.*?)\s*$', '\1', $param); $param = RL_RegEx::replace('\s*\|\s*', '|', $param); $html = []; if ($param != '') { $param = RL_RegEx::replace('[^a-z0-9-\.\|\@]', '_', $param); $param = str_replace('@', '_', $param); $set_groups = explode('|', $param); $set_values = explode('|', $value); $ids = []; foreach ($set_groups as $i => $group) { $count = $i; if ($count >= count($set_values)) { $count = 0; } $value = explode(',', $set_values[$count]); foreach ($value as $val) { $ids[] = $group . '.' . $val; } } if ( ! $div) { $html[] = '</div></div>'; } $html[] = '<div id="' . rand(1000000, 9999999) . '___' . implode('___', $ids) . '" class="rl_toggler'; if ($nofx) { $html[] = ' rl_toggler_nofx'; } if ($method == 'and') { $html[] = ' rl_toggler_and'; } $html[] = '">'; if ( ! $div) { $html[] = '<div><div>'; } } else { $html[] = '</div>'; } return implode('', $html); } private function get($val, $default = '') { if ( ! isset($this->params[$val]) || (string) $this->params[$val] == '') { return $default; } return (string) $this->params[$val]; } }