 * @package   AllediaInstaller
 * @contact   www.joomlashack.com, help@joomlashack.com
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2016 Open Sources Training, LLC, All rights reserved
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL

namespace Alledia\Installer;

defined('_JEXEC') or die();

use JFactory;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
use JTable;
use JInstaller;
use JTableExtension;
use JText;
use JUri;
use JFolder;
use JFormFieldCustomFooter;
use JInstallerAdapter;
use JModelLegacy;
use JFile;
use SimpleXMLElement;

require_once 'include.php';

abstract class AbstractScript
     * @var JInstaller
    protected $installer = null;

     * @var SimpleXMLElement
    protected $manifest = null;

     * @var SimpleXMLElement
    protected $previousManifest = null;

     * @var string
    protected $mediaFolder = null;

     * @var array
    protected $messages = array();

     * @var string
    protected $type;

     * @var string
    protected $group;

     * List of tables and respective columns
     * @var array
    protected $columns;

     * List of tables and respective indexes
     * @var array
    protected $indexes;

     * List of tables
     * @var array
    protected $tables;

     * Flag to cancel the installation
     * @var bool
    protected $cancelInstallation = false;

     * Feedback of the install by related extension
     * @var array
    protected $relatedExtensionFeedback = array();

     * AbstractScript constructor.
     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
    public function __construct($parent)

     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
     * @return void
    public function initProperties($parent)
        $this->installer = $parent->get('parent');
        $this->manifest  = $this->installer->getManifest();
        $this->messages  = array();

        if ($media = $this->manifest->media) {
            $this->mediaFolder = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $media['folder'] . '/' . $media['destination'];

        $attributes = (array)$this->manifest->attributes();
        $attributes = $attributes['@attributes'];
        $this->type = $attributes['type'];

        if ($this->type === 'plugin') {
            $this->group = $attributes['group'];

        // Get the previous manifest for use in upgrades
        $adminPath    = $this->installer->getPath('extension_administrator');
        $manifestPath = $adminPath . '/' . basename($this->installer->getPath('manifest'));
        if (is_file($manifestPath)) {
            $this->previousManifest = simplexml_load_file($manifestPath);

        // Determine basepath for localized files
        $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $basePath = $this->installer->getPath('source');
        if (is_dir($basePath)) {
            if ($this->type == 'component' && $basePath != $adminPath) {
                // For components sourced by manifest, need to find the admin folder
                if ($files = $this->manifest->administration->files) {
                    if ($files = (string)$files['folder']) {
                        $basePath .= '/' . $files;

        } else {
            $basePath = $this->getExtensionPath($this->type, (string)$this->manifest->alledia->element, $this->group);

        // All the files we want to load
        $languageFiles = array(

        // Load from localized or core language folder
        foreach ($languageFiles as $languageFile) {
            $language->load($languageFile, $basePath) || $language->load($languageFile, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);

     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
     * @return bool
    public function install($parent)
        return true;

     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
     * @return bool
    public function discover_install($parent)
        return $this->install($parent);

     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
     * @return void
    public function uninstall($parent)

     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
     * @return bool
    public function update($parent)
        return true;

     * @param string            $type
     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
     * @return bool
    public function preFlight($type, $parent)
        $success = true;

        if ($type === 'update') {

        if (in_array($type, array('install', 'update'))) {
            // Check minimum target Joomla Platform
            if (isset($this->manifest->alledia->targetplatform)) {
                $targetPlatform = (string)$this->manifest->alledia->targetplatform;

                if (!$this->validateTargetVersion(JVERSION, $targetPlatform)) {
                    // Platform version is invalid. Displays a warning and cancel the install
                    $targetPlatform = str_replace('*', 'x', $targetPlatform);

                    $msg = JText::sprintf('LIB_ALLEDIAINSTALLER_WRONG_PLATFORM', $this->getName(), $targetPlatform);
                    JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($msg, 'warning');
                    $success = false;

            // Check for minimum php version
            if (isset($this->manifest->alledia->phpminimum)) {
                $targetPhpVersion = (string)$this->manifest->alledia->phpminimum;

                if (!$this->validateTargetVersion(phpversion(), $targetPhpVersion)) {
                    // php version is too low
                    $minimumPhp = str_replace('*', 'x', $targetPhpVersion);

                    $msg = JText::sprintf('LIB_ALLEDIAINSTALLER_WRONG_PHP', $this->getName(), $minimumPhp);
                    JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($msg, 'warning');
                    $success = false;

            // Check for minimum previous version
            if ($type == 'update' && $this->previousManifest && isset($this->manifest->alledia->previousminimum)) {
                $targetVersion = (string)$this->manifest->alledia->previousminimum;
                $lastVersion   = (string)$this->previousManifest->version;

                if (!$this->validateTargetVersion($lastVersion, $targetVersion)) {
                    // Previous minimum is not installed
                    $minimumVersion = str_replace('*', 'x', $targetVersion);

                    $msg = JText::sprintf('LIB_ALLEDIAINSTALLER_WRONG_PREVIOUS', $this->getName(), $minimumVersion);
                    JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($msg, 'warning');
                    $success = false;

        $this->cancelInstallation = !$success;

        if ($type === 'update' && $success) {

        return $success;

     * @param string            $type
     * @param JInstallerAdapter $parent
     * @return void
    public function postFlight($type, $parent)
        if ($this->cancelInstallation) {
                ->enqueueMessage('LIB_ALLEDIAINSTALLER_INSTALL_CANCELLED', 'warning');



        // @TODO: Stop the script here if this is a related extension (but still remove pro folder, if needed)

        $this->element = (string)$this->manifest->alledia->element;

        // Check and publish/reorder the plugin, if required
        $published = false;
        $ordering  = false;
        if (strpos($type, 'install') !== false && $this->type === 'plugin') {
            $published = $this->publishThisPlugin();
            $ordering  = $this->reorderThisPlugin();

        $extension = new Extension\Licensed(

        // If Free, remove any missed Pro library
        if (!$extension->isPro()) {
            $proLibraryPath = $extension->getProLibraryPath();
            if (file_exists($proLibraryPath)) {

        // Check if we are on the backend before display anything. This fixes an issue
        // on the updates triggered by Watchful, which is always triggered on the frontend
        if (JPATH_BASE === JPATH_ROOT) {
            // Frontend

        // Get the footer content
        $this->footer  = '';
        $footerElement = null;

        // Check if we have a dedicated config.xml file
        $configPath = $extension->getExtensionPath() . '/config.xml';
        if (is_file($configPath)) {
            $config = $extension->getConfig();

            if (!empty($config)) {
                $footerElement = $config->xpath('//field[@type="customfooter"]');
        } else {
            $footerElement = $this->manifest->xpath('//field[@type="customfooter"]');

        if (!empty($footerElement)) {
            if (!class_exists('JFormFieldCustomFooter')) {
                require_once $extension->getExtensionPath() . '/form/fields/customfooter.php';

            $field                = new JFormFieldCustomFooter();
            $field->fromInstaller = true;
            $this->footer         = $field->getInputUsingCustomElement($footerElement[0]);

            unset($field, $footerElement);

        // Show additional installation messages
        $extensionPath = $this->getExtensionPath($this->type, (string)$this->manifest->alledia->element, $this->group);

        // If Pro extension, includes the license form view
        if ($extension->isPro()) {
            // Get the OSMyLicensesManager extension to handle the license key
            $licensesManagerExtension         = new Extension\Generic('osmylicensesmanager', 'plugin', 'system');
            $this->isLicensesManagerInstalled = false;

            if (!empty($licensesManagerExtension)) {
                if (isset($licensesManagerExtension->params)) {
                    $this->licenseKey = $licensesManagerExtension->params->get('license-keys', '');
                } else {
                    $this->licenseKey = '';

                $this->isLicensesManagerInstalled = true;

        $name = $this->getName() . ($extension->isPro() ? ' Pro' : '');

        if ($type === 'update') {

        // Welcome message
        if ($type === 'install') {
        } else {

        // Variables for the included template
        $this->welcomeMessage = JText::sprintf($string, $name);
        $this->mediaURL       = JUri::root() . 'media/' . $extension->getFullElement();

        $this->addStyle($this->mediaFolder . '/css/installer.css');

         * Include the template
         * Try to find the template in an alternative folder, since some extensions
         * which uses FOF will display the "Installers" view on admin, errouniously.
         * FOF look for views automatically reading the views folder. So on that
         * case we move the installer view to another folder.
        $path = $extensionPath . '/views/installer/tmpl/default.php';

        if (is_file($path)) {
            include $path;
        } else {
            $path = $extensionPath . '/alledia_views/installer/tmpl/default.php';
            if (is_file($path)) {
                include $path;


     * Install related extensions
     * @return void
    protected function installRelated()
        if ($this->manifest->alledia->relatedExtensions) {
            // Directly unused var, but this resets the JInstaller instance
            $installer = new JInstaller;

            $source         = $this->installer->getPath('source');
            $extensionsPath = $source . '/extensions';

            $defaultDowngrade = (string)$this->manifest->alledia->relatedExtensions['downgrade'];
            $defaultDowngrade = !empty($defaultDowngrade) && ($defaultDowngrade == 'true' || $defaultDowngrade == '1');

            foreach ($this->manifest->alledia->relatedExtensions->extension as $extension) {
                $path = $extensionsPath . '/' . (string)$extension;

                $attributes = (array)$extension->attributes();
                if (!empty($attributes)) {
                    $attributes = $attributes['@attributes'];

                if (is_dir($path)) {
                    $type    = $attributes['type'];
                    $element = $attributes['element'];

                    $group = '';
                    if (isset($attributes['group'])) {
                        $group = $attributes['group'];

                    $current = $this->findExtension($type, $element, $group);
                    $isNew   = empty($current);

                    $typeName = ucfirst(trim(($group ?: '') . ' ' . $type));

                    // Get data from the manifest
                    $tmpInstaller = new JInstaller;
                    $tmpInstaller->setPath('source', $path);
                    $newManifest = $tmpInstaller->getManifest();
                    $newVersion  = (string)$newManifest->version;

                    $this->storeFeedbackForRelatedExtension($element, 'name', (string)$newManifest->name);

                    // Check if we have a higher version installed unless downgrades are okay
                    $downgrade = empty($attributes['downgrade'])
                        ? $defaultDowngrade
                        : (string)$attributes['downgrade'];
                    $downgrade = $downgrade === true || $downgrade == 'true' || $downgrade == '1';

                    if (!$isNew && !$downgrade) {
                        $currentManifestPath = $this->getManifestPath($type, $element, $group);
                        $currentManifest     = $this->getInfoFromManifest($currentManifestPath);

                        // Avoid to update for an outdated version
                        $currentVersion = $currentManifest->get('version');

                        if (version_compare($currentVersion, $newVersion, '>')) {
                            // Store the state of the install/update

                            // Skip the install for this extension

                    $text = 'LIB_ALLEDIAINSTALLER_RELATED_' . ($isNew ? 'INSTALL' : 'UPDATE');
                    if ($tmpInstaller->install($path)) {
                        $this->setMessage(JText::sprintf($text, $typeName, $element));
                        if ($isNew) {
                            $current = $this->findExtension($type, $element, $group);

                            if (is_object($current)) {
                                if ($type === 'plugin') {
                                    if (isset($attributes['publish']) && $this->parseConditionalExpression($attributes['publish'])) {


                                    if (isset($attributes['ordering'])) {
                                        $this->setPluginOrder($current, $attributes['ordering']);



                    } else {
                        $this->setMessage(JText::sprintf($text . '_FAIL', $typeName, $element), 'error');


     * Uninstall the related extensions that are useless without the component
    protected function uninstallRelated()
        if ($this->manifest->alledia->relatedExtensions) {
            $installer = new JInstaller;

            foreach ($this->manifest->alledia->relatedExtensions->extension as $extension) {
                $attributes = (array)$extension->attributes();
                if (!empty($attributes)) {
                    $attributes = $attributes['@attributes'];

                $type    = $attributes['type'];
                $element = $attributes['element'];

                if (isset($attributes['uninstall']) && (bool)$attributes['uninstall']) {
                    $group = '';
                    if (isset($attributes['group'])) {
                        $group = $attributes['group'];

                    if ($current = $this->findExtension($type, $element, $group)) {
                        $msg     = 'LIB_ALLEDIAINSTALLER_RELATED_UNINSTALL';
                        $msgtype = 'message';
                        if (!$installer->uninstall($current->type, $current->extension_id)) {
                            $msg     .= '_FAIL';
                            $msgtype = 'error';
                            JText::sprintf($msg, ucfirst($type), $element),
                } elseif (JFactory::getApplication()->get('debug', 0)) {

     * @param string $type
     * @param string $element
     * @param string $group
     * @return JTableExtension
    protected function findExtension($type, $element, $group = null)
        /** @var JTableExtension $row */
        $row = JTable::getInstance('extension');

        $prefixes = array(
            'component' => 'com_',
            'module'    => 'mod_'

        // Fix the element, if the prefix is not found
        if (array_key_exists($type, $prefixes)) {
            if (substr_count($element, $prefixes[$type]) === 0) {
                $element = $prefixes[$type] . $element;

        // Fix the element for templates
        if ('template' === $type) {
            $element = str_replace('tpl_', '', $element);

        $terms = array(
            'type'    => $type,
            'element' => $element

        if ($type === 'plugin') {
            $terms['folder'] = $group;

        $eid = $row->find($terms);

        if ($eid) {
            return $row;

        return null;

     * Set requested ordering for selected plugin extension
     * Accepted ordering arguments:
     * (n<=1 | first) First within folder
     * (* | last) Last within folder
     * (before:element) Before the named plugin
     * (after:element) After the named plugin
     * @param JTable $extension
     * @param string $order
     * @return void
    protected function setPluginOrder(JTable $extension, $order)
        if ($extension->type == 'plugin' && !empty($order)) {
            $db    = JFactory::getDbo();
            $query = $db->getQuery(true);

            $query->select('extension_id, element');
                    $db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q($extension->folder),
                    $db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q($extension->type)

            $plugins = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList('element');

            // Set the order only if plugin already successfully installed
            if (array_key_exists($extension->element, $plugins)) {
                $target = array(
                    $extension->element => $plugins[$extension->element]
                $others = array_diff_key($plugins, $target);

                if ((is_numeric($order) && $order <= 1) || $order == 'first') {
                    // First in order
                    $neworder = array_merge($target, $others);
                } elseif (($order == '*') || ($order == 'last')) {
                    // Last in order
                    $neworder = array_merge($others, $target);
                } elseif (preg_match('/^(before|after):(\S+)$/', $order, $match)) {
                    // place before or after named plugin
                    $place    = $match[1];
                    $element  = $match[2];
                    $neworder = array();
                    $previous = '';

                    foreach ($others as $plugin) {
                        if ((($place == 'before') && ($plugin->element == $element)) || (($place == 'after') && ($previous == $element))) {
                            $neworder = array_merge($neworder, $target);
                        $neworder[$plugin->element] = $plugin;
                        $previous                   = $plugin->element;
                    if (count($neworder) < count($plugins)) {
                        // Make it last if the requested plugin isn't installed
                        $neworder = array_merge($neworder, $target);
                } else {
                    $neworder = array();

                if (count($neworder) == count($plugins)) {
                    // Only reorder if have a validated new order
                        JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_plugins/models',
                    $model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Plugin', 'PluginsModel');

                    $ids = array();
                    foreach ($neworder as $plugin) {
                        $ids[] = $plugin->extension_id;
                    $order = range(1, count($ids));
                    $model->saveorder($ids, $order);

     * Display messages from array
     * @return void
    protected function showMessages()
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        foreach ($this->messages as $msg) {
            $app->enqueueMessage($msg[0], $msg[1]);

        $this->messages = array();

     * Add a message to the message list
     * @param string $msg
     * @param string $type
     * @return void
    protected function setMessage($msg, $type = 'message', $prepend = null)
        if ($prepend === null) {
            $prepend = in_array($type, array('notice', 'error'));

        if ($prepend) {
            array_unshift($this->messages, array($msg, $type));
        } else {
            $this->messages[] = array($msg, $type);

     * Delete obsolete files, folders and extensions.
     * Files and folders are identified from the site
     * root path and should starts with a slash.
    protected function clearObsolete()
        $obsolete = $this->manifest->alledia->obsolete;
        if ($obsolete) {
            // Extensions
            if ($obsolete->extension) {
                foreach ($obsolete->extension as $extension) {
                    $attributes = (array)$extension->attributes();
                    if (!empty($attributes)) {
                        $attributes = $attributes['@attributes'];

                    $type    = $attributes['type'];
                    $element = $attributes['element'];

                    $group = '';
                    if (isset($attributes['group'])) {
                        $group = $attributes['group'];

                    $current = $this->findExtension($type, $element, $group);
                    if (!empty($current)) {
                        // Try to uninstall
                        $tmpInstaller = new JInstaller;
                        $uninstalled  = $tmpInstaller->uninstall($type, $current->extension_id);

                        $typeName = ucfirst(trim(($group ?: '') . ' ' . $type));

                        if ($uninstalled) {
                        } else {

            // Files
            if ($obsolete->file) {

                foreach ($obsolete->file as $file) {
                    $path = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . trim((string)$file, '/');
                    if (file_exists($path)) {

            // Folders
            if ($obsolete->folder) {

                foreach ($obsolete->folder as $folder) {
                    $path = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . trim((string)$folder, '/');
                    if (file_exists($path)) {

     * Finds the extension row for the main extension
     * @return JTableExtension
    protected function findThisExtension()
        $attributes = (array)$this->manifest->attributes();
        $attributes = $attributes['@attributes'];

        $group = '';
        if ($attributes['type'] === 'plugin') {
            $group = $attributes['group'];

        $extension = $this->findExtension(

        return $extension;

     * Use this in preflight to clear out obsolete update servers when the url has changed.
    protected function clearUpdateServers()
        $extension = $this->findThisExtension();

        $db    = JFactory::getDbo();
        $query = $db->getQuery(true)
            ->where($db->quoteName('extension_id') . '=' . (int)$extension->extension_id);

        if ($list = $db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn()) {
            $query = $db->getQuery(true)
                ->where($db->quoteName('extension_id') . '=' . (int)$extension->extension_id);

            array_walk($list, 'intval');
            $query = $db->getQuery(true)
                ->where($db->quoteName('update_site_id') . ' IN (' . join(',', $list) . ')');

     * Get the full element, like com_myextension, lib_extension
     * @var string $type
     * @var string $element
     * @var string $group
     * @return string
    protected function getFullElement($type = null, $element = null, $group = null)
        $prefixes = array(
            'component' => 'com',
            'plugin'    => 'plg',
            'template'  => 'tpl',
            'library'   => 'lib',
            'cli'       => 'cli',
            'module'    => 'mod',
            'file'      => 'file'

        $type    = $type ?: $this->type;
        $element = $element ?: (string)$this->manifest->alledia->element;
        $group   = $group ?: $this->group;

        $fullElement = $prefixes[$type] . '_';

        if ($type === 'plugin') {
            $fullElement .= $group . '_';

        $fullElement .= $element;

        return $fullElement;

     * Get extension information from manifest
     * @return Registry
    protected function getInfoFromManifest($manifestPath)
        $info = new Registry;

        if (file_exists($manifestPath)) {
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($manifestPath);

            $attributes = (array)$xml->attributes();
            $attributes = $attributes['@attributes'];
            foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
                $info->set($attribute, $value);

            foreach ($xml->children() as $e) {
                if (!$e->children()) {
                    $info->set($e->getName(), (string)$e);
        } else {
            $relativePath = str_replace(JPATH_SITE . '/', '', $manifestPath);
                JText::sprintf('LIB_ALLEDIAINSTALLER_MANIFEST_NOT_FOUND', $relativePath),

        return $info;

     * Get the path for the extension
     * @return string The path
    protected function getExtensionPath($type, $element, $group = '')
        $basePath = '';

        $folders = array(
            'component' => 'administrator/components/',
            'plugin'    => 'plugins/',
            'template'  => 'templates/',
            'library'   => 'libraries/',
            'cli'       => 'cli/',
            'module'    => 'modules/',
            'file'      => 'administrator/manifests/files/'

        $basePath = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $folders[$type];

        switch ($type) {
            case 'plugin':
                $basePath .= $group . '/';

            case 'module':
                if (!preg_match('/^mod_/', $element)) {
                    $basePath .= 'mod_';

            case 'component':
                if (!preg_match('/^com_/', $element)) {
                    $basePath .= 'com_';

            case 'template':
                if (preg_match('/^tpl_/', $element)) {
                    $element = str_replace('tpl_', '', $element);

        if ($type !== 'file') {
            $basePath .= $element;

        return $basePath;

     * Get the id for an installed extension
     * @return int The id
    protected function getExtensionId($type, $element, $group = '')
        $db    = JFactory::getDbo();
        $query = $db->getQuery(true)
                    $db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($element),
                    $db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q($group),
                    $db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q($type)

        return $db->loadResult();

     * Get the path for the manifest file
     * @return string The path
    protected function getManifestPath($type, $element, $group = '')
        $installer = new JInstaller;

        switch ($type) {
            case 'library':
            case 'file':
                $folders = array(
                    'library' => 'libraries',
                    'file'    => 'files'

                $manifestPath = JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/manifests/' . $folders[$type] . '/' . $element . '.xml';

                if (!file_exists($manifestPath) || !$installer->isManifest($manifestPath)) {
                    $manifestPath = false;

                $basePath = $this->getExtensionPath($type, $element, $group);

                $installer->setPath('source', $basePath);

                $manifestPath = $installer->getPath('manifest');

        return $manifestPath;

     * Check if it needs to publish the extension
    protected function publishThisPlugin()
        $attributes = (array)$this->manifest->alledia->element->attributes();
        $attributes = (array)@$attributes['@attributes'];

        if (isset($attributes['publish']) && (bool)$attributes['publish']) {
            $extension = $this->findThisExtension();

            return true;

        return false;

     * Check if it needs to reorder the extension
    protected function reorderThisPlugin()
        $attributes = (array)$this->manifest->alledia->element->attributes();
        $attributes = (array)@$attributes['@attributes'];

        if (isset($attributes['ordering'])) {
            $extension = $this->findThisExtension();
            $this->setPluginOrder($extension, $attributes['ordering']);

            return $attributes['ordering'];

        return false;

     * Stores feedback data for related extensions to display after install
     * @param  string $element
     * @param  string $key
     * @param  string $value
    protected function storeFeedbackForRelatedExtension($element, $key, $value)
        if (!isset($this->relatedExtensionFeedback[$element])) {
            $this->relatedExtensionFeedback[$element] = array();

        $this->relatedExtensionFeedback[$element][$key] = $value;

     * This method add a mark to the extensions, allowing to detect our extensions
     * on the extensions table.
    protected function addAllediaAuthorshipToExtension()
        $extension = $this->findThisExtension();

        $db = JFactory::getDbo();

        // Update the extension
        $customData         = json_decode($extension->custom_data) ?: new \stdClass();
        $customData->author = 'Joomlashack';

        $query = $db->getQuery(true)
            ->set($db->quoteName('custom_data') . '=' . $db->quote(json_encode($customData)))
            ->where($db->quoteName('extension_id') . '=' . (int)$extension->extension_id);

        // Update the Alledia framework
        // @TODO: remove this after libraries be able to have a custom install script
        $query = $db->getQuery(true)
            ->set($db->quoteName('custom_data') . '=' . $db->quote('{"author":"Joomlashack"}'))
                    $db->quoteName('type') . '=' . $db->quote('library'),
                    $db->quoteName('element') . '=' . $db->quote('allediaframework')

     * Add styles to the output. Used because when the postFlight
     * method is called, we can't add stylesheets to the head.
     * @param mixed $stylesheets
    protected function addStyle($stylesheets)
        if (is_string($stylesheets)) {
            $stylesheets = array($stylesheets);

        foreach ($stylesheets as $path) {
            if (file_exists($path)) {
                $style = file_get_contents($path);

                echo '<style>' . $style . '</style>';

     * On new component install, this will check and fix any menus
     * that may have been created in a previous installation.
     * @return void
    protected function fixMenus()
        if ($this->type == 'component') {
            $db = JFactory::getDbo();

            if ($extension = $this->findThisExtension()) {
                $id     = $extension->extension_id;
                $option = $extension->name;

                $query = $db->getQuery(true)
                    ->set('component_id = ' . $db->quote($id))
                            'type = ' . $db->quote('component'),
                            'link LIKE ' . $db->quote("%option={$option}%")

                // Check hidden admin menu option
                // @TODO:  Remove after Joomla! incorporates this natively
                $menuElement = $this->manifest->administration->menu;
                if (in_array((string)$menuElement['hidden'], array('true', 'hidden'))) {
                    $menu = JTable::getInstance('Menu');
                    $menu->load(array('component_id' => $id, 'client_id' => 1));
                    if ($menu->id) {

     * Get and store a cache of columns of a table
     * @param  string $table The table name
     * @return array         A list of columns from a table
    protected function getColumnsFromTable($table)
        if (!isset($this->columns[$table])) {
            $db = JFactory::getDbo();
            $db->setQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $db->quoteName($table));
            $rows = $db->loadObjectList();

            $columns = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $columns[] = $row->Field;

            $this->columns[$table] = $columns;

        return $this->columns[$table];

     * Get and store a cache of indexes of a table
     * @param  string $table The table name
     * @return array         A list of indexes from a table
    protected function getIndexesFromTable($table)
        if (!isset($this->indexes[$table])) {
            $db = JFactory::getDbo();
            $db->setQuery("SHOW INDEX FROM " . $db->quoteName($table));
            $rows = $db->loadObjectList();

            $indexes = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $indexes[] = $row->Key_name;

            $this->indexes[$table] = $indexes;

        return $this->indexes[$table];

     * Add columns to a table if they doesn't exists
     * @param string $table   The table name
     * @param array  $columns The column's names that needed to be checked and added
    protected function addColumnsIfNotExists($table, $columns)
        $db = JFactory::getDbo();

        $existentColumns = $this->getColumnsFromTable($table);

        foreach ($columns as $column => $specification) {
            if (!in_array($column, $existentColumns)) {
                        'ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s %s',

     * Add indexes to a table if they doesn't exists
     * @param string $table   The table name
     * @param array  $indexes The names of the indexes that needed to be checked and added
    protected function addIndexesIfNotExists($table, $indexes)
        $db = JFactory::getDbo();

        $existentIndexes = $this->getIndexesFromTable($table);

        foreach ($indexes as $index => $specification) {
            if (!in_array($index, $existentIndexes)) {
                $db->setQuery(sprintf('CREATE INDEX %s ON %s', $specification, $index, $db->quoteName($table)))

     * Drop columns from a table if they exists
     * @param string $table   The table name
     * @param array  $columns The column's names that needed to be checked and added
    protected function dropColumnsIfExists($table, $columns)
        $db = JFactory::getDbo();

        $existentColumns = $this->getColumnsFromTable($table);

        foreach ($columns as $column) {
            if (in_array($column, $existentColumns)) {
                $db->setQuery(sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s', $db->quoteName($table), $column))

     * Check if a table exists
     * @param  string $name The table name
     * @return bool         True if the table exists
    protected function tableExists($name)
        $config = JFactory::getConfig();
        $tables = $this->getTables(true);

        // Replace the table prefix
        $name = str_replace('#__', $config->get('dbprefix'), $name);

        return in_array($name, $tables);

     * Get a list of tables found in the db
     * @param  bool $force Force to get a fresh list of tables
     * @return array List of tables
    protected function getTables($force = false)
        if (empty($this->tables) || $force) {
            $normalizeTableArray = function ($item) {
                return $item[0];

            $db = JFactory::getDbo();
            $db->setQuery('SHOW TABLES');
            $tables = $db->loadRowList();

            $this->tables = array_map($normalizeTableArray, $tables);

        return $this->tables;

     * Parses a conditional string, returning a Boolean value (default: false).
     * For now it only supports an extension name and * as version.
     * @param  string $expression The conditional expression
     * @return bool                According to the evaluation of the expression
    protected function parseConditionalExpression($expression)
        $expression = strtolower($expression);
        $terms      = explode('=', $expression);
        $term0      = trim($terms[0]);

        if (count($terms) === 1) {
            return !(empty($terms[0]) || $terms[0] === 'null');
        } else {
            // Is the first term a name of extension?
            if (preg_match('/^(com_|plg_|mod_|lib_|tpl_|cli_)/', $term0)) {
                $info = $this->getExtensionInfoFromElement($term0);

                $extension = $this->findExtension($info['type'], $term0, $info['group']);

                // @TODO: compare the version, if specified, or different than *
                // @TODO: Check if the extension is enabled, not just installed

                if (!empty($extension)) {
                    return true;

        return false;

     * Get extension's info from element string, or extension name
     * @param  string $element The extension name, as element
     * @return array           An associative array with information about the extension
    public static function getExtensionInfoFromElement($element)
        $result = array(
            'type'      => null,
            'name'      => null,
            'group'     => null,
            'prefix'    => null,
            'namespace' => null

        $types = array(
            'com' => 'component',
            'plg' => 'plugin',
            'mod' => 'module',
            'lib' => 'library',
            'tpl' => 'template',
            'cli' => 'cli'

        $element = explode('_', $element);

        $result['prefix'] = $element[0];

        if (array_key_exists($result['prefix'], $types)) {
            $result['type'] = $types[$result['prefix']];

            if ($result['prefix'] === 'plg') {
                $result['group'] = $element[1];
                $result['name']  = $element[2];
            } else {
                $result['name']  = $element[1];
                $result['group'] = null;

        $result['namespace'] = preg_replace_callback(
            function ($matches) {
                return strtoupper($matches[1]) . $matches[2];

        return $result;

     * Check if the actual version is at least the minimum target version.
     * @param string $actualVersion
     * @param string $targetVersion The required target platform
     * @return bool True, if the target version is greater than or equal to actual version
    protected function validateTargetVersion($actualVersion, $targetVersion)
        // If is universal, any version is valid
        if ($targetVersion === '.*') {
            return true;

        $targetVersion = str_replace('*', '0', $targetVersion);

        // Compare with the actual version
        return version_compare($actualVersion, $targetVersion, 'ge');

     * Get the extension name. If no custom name is set, uses the namespace
     * @return string
    protected function getName()
        // Get the extension name. If no custom name is set, uses the namespace
        if (isset($this->manifest->alledia->name)) {
            $name = $this->manifest->alledia->name;
        } else {
            $name = $this->manifest->alledia->namespace;
        return (string)$name;

     * If a template, preserve the favicon during an update.
     * Rename favicon during preFlight(). Rename back during postFlight()
    protected function preserveFavicon()
        $nameOfExtension = (string)$this->manifest->alledia->element;

        $extensionType = $this->getExtensionInfoFromElement($nameOfExtension);

        if ($extensionType['prefix'] === 'tpl') {
            $pathToTemplate = $this->getExtensionPath($this->type, $nameOfExtension);

            // These will be used to preserve the favicon during an update
            $favicon     = $pathToTemplate . '/favicon.ico';
            $faviconTemp = $pathToTemplate . '/favicon-temp.ico';

             * Rename favicon.
             * The order of the conditionals should be kept the same, because
             * preFlight() runs before postFLight().
             * If the order is reversed, favicon in update package will replace
             * $faviconTemp during update, which we don't want to happen.
            if (is_file($faviconTemp)) {
                rename($faviconTemp, $favicon);

            } else {
                if (is_file($favicon)) {
                    rename($favicon, $faviconTemp);