<?php /** * Joomla! component Creative Contact Form * * @version $Id: 2012-04-05 14:30:25 svn $ * @author creative-solutions.net * @package Creative Contact Form * @subpackage com_creativecontactform * @license GNU/GPL * */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restircted access'); abstract class JHtmlCreativeForm { /** * @param int $value The featured value * @param int $i * @param bool $canChange Whether the value can be changed or not * * @return string The anchor tag to toggle featured/unfeatured contacts. * @since 1.6 */ static function featured($value = 0, $i, $canChange = true) { // Array of image, task, title, action $states = array( 0 => array('disabled.png', 'creativeforms.featured', 'COM_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_UNFEATURED', 'COM_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_UNFEATURED'), 1 => array('featured.png', 'creativeforms.unfeatured', 'COM_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_FEATURED', 'COM_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_FEATURED'), ); $state = JArrayHelper::getValue($states, (int) $value, $states[1]); $html = JHtml::_('image', 'admin/'.$state[0], JText::_($state[2]), NULL, true); if ($canChange) { $html = '<a href="#" onclick="return listItemTask(\'cb'.$i.'\',\''.$state[1].'\')" title="'.JText::_($state[3]).'">' . $html .'</a>'; } return $html; } }