 * @package     Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage  mod_menu
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
use Joomla\CMS\Menu\Node\Separator;

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

 * =========================================================================================================
 * IMPORTANT: The scope of this layout file is the `JAdminCssMenu` object and NOT the module context.
 * =========================================================================================================
/** @var  JAdminCssMenu  $this */
$current = $this->tree->getCurrent();

// Build the CSS class suffix
if (!$this->enabled)
	$class = ' class="disabled"';
elseif ($current instanceOf Separator)
	$class = $current->get('title') ? ' class="menuitem-group"' : ' class="divider"';
elseif ($current->hasChildren())
	if ($current->getLevel() == 1)
		$class = ' class="dropdown"';
	elseif ($current->get('class') == 'scrollable-menu')
		$class = ' class="dropdown scrollable-menu"';
		$class = ' class="dropdown-submenu"';
	$class = '';

// Print the item
echo '<li' . $class . '>';

// Print a link if it exists
$linkClass     = array();
$dataToggle    = '';
$dropdownCaret = '';

if ($current->hasChildren())
	$linkClass[] = 'dropdown-toggle';
	$dataToggle  = ' data-toggle="dropdown"';

	if ($current->getLevel() == 1)
		$dropdownCaret = ' <span class="caret"></span>';
	$linkClass[] = 'no-dropdown';

if (!($current instanceof Separator) && ($current->getLevel() > 1))
	$iconClass = $this->tree->getIconClass();

	if (trim($iconClass))
		$linkClass[] = $iconClass;

// Implode out $linkClass for rendering
$linkClass = ' class="' . implode(' ', $linkClass) . '" ';

// Links: component/url/heading/container
if ($link = $current->get('link'))
	$icon = $current->get('icon');

	if ($icon)
		if (substr($icon, 0, 6) == 'class:')
			$icon = '<span class="' . substr($icon, 6) . '"></span>';
		elseif (substr($icon, 0, 6) == 'image:')
			$icon = JHtml::_('image', substr($icon, 6), null, null, true);
			$icon = JHtml::_('image', $icon, null);

	$target = $current->get('target') ? 'target="' . $current->get('target') . '"' : '';

	echo '<a' . $linkClass . $dataToggle . ' href="' . $link . '" ' . $target . '>' .
				JText::_($current->get('title')) . $icon . $dropdownCaret . '</a>';
// Separator
	echo '<span>' . JText::_($current->get('title')) . '</span>';

// Recurse through children if they exist
if ($this->enabled && $current->hasChildren())
	if ($current->getLevel() > 1)
		$id = $current->get('id') ? ' id="menu-' . strtolower($current->get('id')) . '"' : '';

		echo '<ul' . $id . ' class="dropdown-menu menu-scrollable">' . "\n";
		echo '<ul class="dropdown-menu scroll-menu">' . "\n";

	// WARNING: Do not use direct 'include' or 'require' as it is important to isolate the scope for each call

	echo "</ul>\n";

echo "</li>\n";