 * Joomla! Content Management System
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field;

defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;

use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Form\Form;
use Joomla\CMS\Form\FormHelper;


 * Field to show a list of available user active statuses
 * @since  3.2
class UseractiveField extends \JFormFieldPredefinedList
	 * The form field type.
	 * @var		string
	 * @since   3.2
	protected $type = 'UserActive';

	 * Available statuses
	 * @var  array
	 * @since  3.2
	protected $predefinedOptions = array(

	 * Method to instantiate the form field object.
	 * @param   Form  $form  The form to attach to the form field object.
	 * @since   1.7.0
	public function __construct($form = null)

		// Load the required language
		$lang = Factory::getLanguage();
		$lang->load('com_users', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);