<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Ryan Demmer. All rights reserved * @license GNU/GPL 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * JCE is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses */ defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_jce/includes/base.php'; abstract class JcePluginsHelper { public static function getCommands() { $data = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/commands.json'); $json = json_decode($data); $commands = array(); if ($json) { foreach ($json as $name => $attribs) { $attribs->type = 'command'; $commands[$name] = $attribs; } } return $commands; } public static function getPlugins() { $language = JFactory::getLanguage(); static $plugins; if (!isset($plugins)) { $plugins = array(); // get core json $core = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/plugins.json'); // decode to object $data = json_decode($core); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $name => $attribs) { // skip if the plugin file is missing if (!is_file(WF_EDITOR_PLUGINS . '/' . $name . '/editor_plugin.js')) { continue; } // update attributes $attribs->type = 'plugin'; $attribs->path = WF_EDITOR_PLUGINS . '/' . $name; $attribs->manifest = WF_EDITOR_PLUGINS . '/' . $name . '/' . $name . '.xml'; $attribs->image = ''; if (!isset($attribs->class)) { $attribs->class = ''; } // compatability $attribs->name = $name; // pass to array $plugins[$name] = $attribs; } } // get pro json if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/pro.json')) { $pro = @file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/pro.json'); // decode to object if ($pro) { $data = json_decode($pro); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $name => $attribs) { // skip if the plugin file is missing if (!is_file(WF_EDITOR_PLUGINS . '/' . $name . '/editor_plugin.js')) { continue; } // update attributes $attribs->type = 'plugin'; $attribs->path = WF_EDITOR_PLUGINS . '/' . $name; $attribs->manifest = WF_EDITOR_PLUGINS . '/' . $name . '/' . $name . '.xml'; $attribs->image = ''; if (!isset($attribs->class)) { $attribs->class = ''; } // compatability $attribs->name = $name; // pass to array $plugins[$name] = $attribs; } } } } // get all installed plugins $installed = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('jce'); foreach ($installed as $item) { // check for delimiter, only load editor plugins if (strpos($item->name, 'editor-') === false) { continue; } // create path $path = JPATH_PLUGINS . '/jce/' . $item->name; // load language $language->load('plg_jce_' . $item->name, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); $language->load('plg_jce_' . $item->name, $path); // get xml file $file = $path . '/' . $item->name . '.xml'; if (is_file($file)) { // load xml data $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); if ($xml) { // check xml file is valid if ((string)$xml->getName() != 'extension') { continue; } // check for editor_plugins.js file if (!is_file($path . '/editor_plugin.js')) { continue; } $name = str_replace('editor-', '', $item->name); $attribs = new StdClass(); $attribs->name = $name; $attribs->manifest = $file; $params = $xml->fields; $attribs->title = (string)$xml->name; $attribs->icon = (string)$xml->icon; $attribs->editable = 0; // set default values $attribs->image = ''; $attribs->class = ''; if ($xml->icon->attributes()) { foreach($xml->icon->attributes() as $key => $value) { $attribs->$key = $value; } } if ($attribs->image) { $attribs->image = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $attribs->image; } // can't be editable without parameters if ($params && count($params->children())) { $attribs->editable = 1; } $row = (int)$xml->attributes()->row; // set row from passed in value or 0 $attribs->row = $row; // if an icon is set and no row, default to 4 if (!empty($attribs->icon) && !$row) { $attribs->row = 4; } $attribs->description = (string)$xml->description; $attribs->core = 0; // relative path $attribs->path = $path; $attribs->url = 'plugins/jce/' . $item->name; $attribs->type = 'plugin'; $plugins[$name] = $attribs; } } } } return $plugins; } /** * Get installed extensions. * * @return array $extensions */ public static function getExtensions($type = '') { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $language = JFactory::getLanguage(); static $extensions; if (empty($extensions)) { $extensions = array(); // recursively get all extension files $files = JFolder::files(WF_EDITOR_EXTENSIONS, '\.xml$', true, true); foreach ($files as $file) { $name = basename($file, '.xml'); $object = new StdClass(); $object->folder = basename(dirname($file)); $object->manifest = $file; $object->plugins = array(); $object->name = $name; $object->title = 'WF_' . strtoupper($object->folder) . '_' . strtoupper($name) . '_TITLE'; $object->description = ''; $object->id = $object->folder . '.' . $object->name; $object->extension = $object->name; // set as non-core by default $object->core = 0; // set as not editable by default $object->editable = 0; // set type $object->type = $object->folder; $extensions[$object->type][] = $object; } // get all installed plugins $installed = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('jce'); if (!empty($installed)) { foreach ($installed as $p) { // check for delimiter if (strpos($p->name, '-') === false) { continue; } // only load "extensions", not editor plugins if (strpos($p->name, 'editor-') !== false) { continue; } // set path $p->path = JPATH_PLUGINS . '/jce/' . $p->name; $parts = explode('-', $p->name); // get type and name $p->folder = $parts[0]; $p->extension = $parts[1]; // plugin manifest, eg: filesystem-joomla.xml $p->manifest = $p->path . '/' . $p->name . '.xml'; $p->plugins = array(); $p->description = ''; list($p->type, $p->name) = preg_split('/-/', $p->name); // create title from name parts, eg: plg_jce_filesystem_joomla $p->title = 'plg_jce_' . $p->type . '_' . $p->name; // create plugin id, eg: filesystem.joomla $p->id = $p->type . '.' . $p->name; // not core $p->core = 0; // set as not editable by default $p->editable = 0; // load language $language->load('plg_jce_' . $p->type . '-' . $p->name, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); $language->load('plg_jce_' . $p->type . '-' . $p->name, $p->path); $extensions[$p->type][] = $p; } } } if ($type && isset($extensions[$type])) { return $extensions[$type]; } return $extensions; } public static function addToProfile($id, $plugin) { JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_jce/tables'); // Add to Default Group $profile = JTable::getInstance('Profiles', 'JceTable'); if ($profile->load($id)) { // Add to plugins list $plugins = explode(',', $profile->plugins); if (!in_array($plugin->name, $plugins)) { $plugins[] = $plugin->name; } $profile->plugins = implode(',', $plugins); if ($plugin->icon) { if (in_array($plugin->name, preg_split('/[;,]+/', $profile->rows)) === false) { // get rows as array $rows = explode(';', $profile->rows); if (count($rows)) { // get key (row number) $key = count($rows) - 1; // get row contents as array $row = explode(',', $rows[$key]); // add plugin name to end of row $row[] = $plugin->name; // add row data back to rows array $rows[$key] = implode(',', $row); $profile->rows = implode(';', $rows); } } } if (!$profile->store()) { throw new Exception(JText::_('WF_INSTALLER_PLUGIN_PROFILE_ERROR')); } } return true; } public static function removeFromProfile($id, $plugin) { JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_jce/tables'); // Add to Default Group $profile = JTable::getInstance('Profiles', 'JceTable'); if ($profile->load($id)) { // remove from plugins list $plugins = explode(',', $profile->plugins); $key = array_search($plugin->name, $plugins); if ($key) { unset($plugins[$key]); $profile->plugins = implode(',', array_values($plugins)); } if ($plugin->icon) { // check if its in the profile if (in_array($plugin->name, preg_split('/[;,]+/', $profile->rows))) { $lists = array(); foreach (explode(';', $profile->rows) as $list) { $icons = explode(',', $list); foreach ($icons as $k => $v) { if ($plugin->name == $v) { unset($icons[$k]); } } $lists[] = implode(',', $icons); } $profile->rows = implode(';', $lists); } if (!$profile->store()) { throw new Exception(JText::sprintf('WF_INSTALLER_REMOVE_FROM_GROUP_ERROR', $plugin->name)); } } } return true; } /** * Add index.html files to each folder. */ private static function addIndexfiles($path) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // get the base file $file = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_jce/index.html'; if (is_file($file) && is_dir($path)) { JFile::copy($file, $path . '/' . basename($file)); // admin component $folders = JFolder::folders($path, '.', true, true); foreach ($folders as $folder) { JFile::copy($file, $folder . '/' . basename($file)); } } } public static function postInstall($route, $plugin, $installer) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // load the plugin and enable if (isset($plugin->row) && $plugin->row > 0) { $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('id')->from('#__wf_profiles')->where('name = ' . $db->Quote('Default') . ' OR id = 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $id = $db->loadResult(); if ($id) { if ($route == 'install') { // add to profile self::addToProfile($id, $plugin); } else { // remove from profile self::removeFromProfile($id, $plugin); } } } if ($route == 'install') { if ($plugin->type == 'extension') { $plugin->path = $plugin->path . '/' . $plugin->name; } // add index.html files self::addIndexfiles($plugin->path); } return true; } }