 * Joomla! Content Management System
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

namespace Joomla\CMS\Response;

defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;

 * JSON Response class.
 * This class serves to provide the Joomla Platform with a common interface to access
 * response variables for e.g. Ajax requests.
 * @since  3.1
class JsonResponse
	 * Determines whether the request was successful
	 * @var    boolean
	 * @since  3.1
	public $success = true;

	 * The main response message
	 * @var    string
	 * @since  3.1
	public $message = null;

	 * Array of messages gathered in the \JApplication object
	 * @var    array
	 * @since  3.1
	public $messages = null;

	 * The response data
	 * @var    mixed
	 * @since  3.1
	public $data = null;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param   mixed    $response        The Response data
	 * @param   string   $message         The main response message
	 * @param   boolean  $error           True, if the success flag shall be set to false, defaults to false
	 * @param   boolean  $ignoreMessages  True, if the message queue shouldn't be included, defaults to false
	 * @since   3.1
	public function __construct($response = null, $message = null, $error = false, $ignoreMessages = false)
		$this->message = $message;

		// Get the message queue if requested and available
		$app = \JFactory::getApplication();

		if (!$ignoreMessages && $app !== null && is_callable(array($app, 'getMessageQueue')))
			$messages = $app->getMessageQueue();

			// Build the sorted messages list
			if (is_array($messages) && count($messages))
				foreach ($messages as $message)
					if (isset($message['type']) && isset($message['message']))
						$lists[$message['type']][] = $message['message'];

			// If messages exist add them to the output
			if (isset($lists) && is_array($lists))
				$this->messages = $lists;

		// Check if we are dealing with an error
		if ($response instanceof \Exception || $response instanceof \Throwable)
			// Prepare the error response
			$this->success = false;
			$this->message = $response->getMessage();
			// Prepare the response data
			$this->success = !$error;
			$this->data    = $response;

	 * Magic toString method for sending the response in JSON format
	 * @return  string  The response in JSON format
	 * @since   3.1
	public function __toString()
		return json_encode($this);