<?php /** * @package Joomla.Administrator * @subpackage com_contenthistory * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; /** * Categories helper. * * @since 3.2 */ class ContenthistoryHelper { /** * Method to put all field names, including nested ones, in a single array for easy lookup. * * @param stdClass $object Standard class object that may contain one level of nested objects. * * @return array Associative array of all field names, including ones in a nested object. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function createObjectArray($object) { $result = array(); if ($object === null) { return $result; } foreach ($object as $name => $value) { $result[$name] = $value; if (is_object($value)) { foreach ($value as $subName => $subValue) { $result[$subName] = $subValue; } } } return $result; } /** * Method to decode JSON-encoded fields in a standard object. Used to unpack JSON strings in the content history data column. * * @param stdClass $jsonString Standard class object that may contain one or more JSON-encoded fields. * * @return stdClass Object with any JSON-encoded fields unpacked. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function decodeFields($jsonString) { $object = json_decode($jsonString); if (is_object($object)) { foreach ($object as $name => $value) { if ($subObject = json_decode($value)) { $object->$name = $subObject; } } } return $object; } /** * Method to get field labels for the fields in the JSON-encoded object. * First we see if we can find translatable labels for the fields in the object. * We translate any we can find and return an array in the format object->name => label. * * @param stdClass $object Standard class object in the format name->value. * @param JTableContenttype $typesTable Table object with content history options. * * @return stdClass Contains two associative arrays. * $formValues->labels in the format name => label (for example, 'id' => 'Article ID'). * $formValues->values in the format name => value (for example, 'state' => 'Published'. * This translates the text from the selected option in the form. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function getFormValues($object, JTableContenttype $typesTable) { $labels = array(); $values = array(); $expandedObjectArray = static::createObjectArray($object); static::loadLanguageFiles($typesTable->type_alias); if ($formFile = static::getFormFile($typesTable)) { if ($xml = simplexml_load_file($formFile)) { // Now we need to get all of the labels from the form $fieldArray = $xml->xpath('//field'); $fieldArray = array_merge($fieldArray, $xml->xpath('//fields')); foreach ($fieldArray as $field) { if ($label = (string) $field->attributes()->label) { $labels[(string) $field->attributes()->name] = JText::_($label); } } // Get values for any list type fields $listFieldArray = $xml->xpath('//field[@type="list" or @type="radio"]'); foreach ($listFieldArray as $field) { $name = (string) $field->attributes()->name; if (isset($expandedObjectArray[$name])) { $optionFieldArray = $field->xpath('option[@value="' . $expandedObjectArray[$name] . '"]'); $valueText = null; if (is_array($optionFieldArray) && count($optionFieldArray)) { $valueText = trim((string) $optionFieldArray[0]); } $values[(string) $field->attributes()->name] = JText::_($valueText); } } } } $result = new stdClass; $result->labels = $labels; $result->values = $values; return $result; } /** * Method to get the XML form file for this component. Used to get translated field names for history preview. * * @param JTableContenttype $typesTable Table object with content history options. * * @return mixed JModel object if successful, false if no model found. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function getFormFile(JTableContenttype $typesTable) { $result = false; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // First, see if we have a file name in the $typesTable $options = json_decode($typesTable->content_history_options); if (is_object($options) && isset($options->formFile) && JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $options->formFile)) { $result = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $options->formFile; } else { $aliasArray = explode('.', $typesTable->type_alias); if (count($aliasArray) == 2) { $component = ($aliasArray[1] == 'category') ? 'com_categories' : $aliasArray[0]; $path = JFolder::makeSafe(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $component . '/models/forms/'); $file = JFile::makeSafe($aliasArray[1] . '.xml'); $result = JFile::exists($path . $file) ? $path . $file : false; } } return $result; } /** * Method to query the database using values from lookup objects. * * @param stdClass $lookup The std object with the values needed to do the query. * @param mixed $value The value used to find the matching title or name. Typically the id. * * @return mixed Value from database (for example, name or title) on success, false on failure. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function getLookupValue($lookup, $value) { $result = false; if (isset($lookup->sourceColumn) && isset($lookup->targetTable) && isset($lookup->targetColumn)&& isset($lookup->displayColumn)) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select($db->quoteName($lookup->displayColumn)) ->from($db->quoteName($lookup->targetTable)) ->where($db->quoteName($lookup->targetColumn) . ' = ' . $db->quote($value)); $db->setQuery($query); try { $result = $db->loadResult(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Ignore any errors and just return false return false; } } return $result; } /** * Method to remove fields from the object based on values entered in the #__content_types table. * * @param stdClass $object Object to be passed to view layout file. * @param JTableContenttype $typeTable Table object with content history options. * * @return stdClass object with hidden fields removed. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function hideFields($object, JTableContenttype $typeTable) { if ($options = json_decode($typeTable->content_history_options)) { if (isset($options->hideFields) && is_array($options->hideFields)) { foreach ($options->hideFields as $field) { unset($object->$field); } } } return $object; } /** * Method to load the language files for the component whose history is being viewed. * * @param string $typeAlias The type alias, for example 'com_content.article'. * * @return void * * @since 3.2 */ public static function loadLanguageFiles($typeAlias) { $aliasArray = explode('.', $typeAlias); if (is_array($aliasArray) && count($aliasArray) == 2) { $component = ($aliasArray[1] == 'category') ? 'com_categories' : $aliasArray[0]; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); /** * Loading language file from the administrator/language directory then * loading language file from the administrator/components/extension/language directory */ $lang->load($component, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, true) || $lang->load($component, JPath::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $component), null, false, true); // Force loading of backend global language file $lang->load('joomla', JPath::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR), null, false, true); } } /** * Method to create object to pass to the layout. Format is as follows: * field is std object with name, value. * * Value can be a std object with name, value pairs. * * @param stdClass $object The std object from the JSON string. Can be nested 1 level deep. * @param stdClass $formValues Standard class of label and value in an associative array. * * @return stdClass Object with translated labels where available * * @since 3.2 */ public static function mergeLabels($object, $formValues) { $result = new stdClass; if ($object === null) { return $result; } $labelsArray = $formValues->labels; $valuesArray = $formValues->values; foreach ($object as $name => $value) { $result->$name = new stdClass; $result->$name->name = $name; $result->$name->value = isset($valuesArray[$name]) ? $valuesArray[$name] : $value; $result->$name->label = isset($labelsArray[$name]) ? $labelsArray[$name] : $name; if (is_object($value)) { $subObject = new stdClass; foreach ($value as $subName => $subValue) { $subObject->$subName = new stdClass; $subObject->$subName->name = $subName; $subObject->$subName->value = isset($valuesArray[$subName]) ? $valuesArray[$subName] : $subValue; $subObject->$subName->label = isset($labelsArray[$subName]) ? $labelsArray[$subName] : $subName; $result->$name->value = $subObject; } } } return $result; } /** * Method to prepare the object for the preview and compare views. * * @param JTableContenthistory $table Table object loaded with data. * * @return stdClass Object ready for the views. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function prepareData(JTableContenthistory $table) { $object = static::decodeFields($table->version_data); $typesTable = JTable::getInstance('Contenttype'); $typesTable->load(array('type_id' => $table->ucm_type_id)); $formValues = static::getFormValues($object, $typesTable); $object = static::mergeLabels($object, $formValues); $object = static::hideFields($object, $typesTable); $object = static::processLookupFields($object, $typesTable); return $object; } /** * Method to process any lookup values found in the content_history_options column for this table. * This allows category title and user name to be displayed instead of the id column. * * @param stdClass $object The std object from the JSON string. Can be nested 1 level deep. * @param JTableContenttype $typesTable Table object loaded with data. * * @return stdClass Object with lookup values inserted. * * @since 3.2 */ public static function processLookupFields($object, JTableContenttype $typesTable) { if ($options = json_decode($typesTable->content_history_options)) { if (isset($options->displayLookup) && is_array($options->displayLookup)) { foreach ($options->displayLookup as $lookup) { $sourceColumn = isset($lookup->sourceColumn) ? $lookup->sourceColumn : false; $sourceValue = isset($object->$sourceColumn->value) ? $object->$sourceColumn->value : false; if ($sourceColumn && $sourceValue && ($lookupValue = static::getLookupValue($lookup, $sourceValue))) { $object->$sourceColumn->value = $lookupValue; } } } } return $object; } }