<?php /** * @package Joomla.Site * @subpackage com_config * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; /** * Base Display Controller * * @since 3.2 */ class ConfigControllerCmsbase extends JControllerBase { /** * Prefix for the view and model classes * * @var string * @since 3.2 */ public $prefix; /** * Execute the controller. * * @return mixed A rendered view or true * * @since 3.2 */ public function execute() { // Check for request forgeries if (!JSession::checkToken()) { $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN_NOTICE')); $this->app->redirect('index.php'); } // Get the application $this->app = $this->getApplication(); $this->app->redirect('index.php?option=' . $this->input->get('option')); $this->componentFolder = $this->input->getWord('option', 'com_content'); $this->viewName = $this->input->getWord('view'); return $this; } }