; @package OSYouTube ; @contact www.joomlashack.com, help@joomlashack.com ; @copyright 2016 Joomlashack.com, All rights reserved ; @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL ; ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE = "Content - OSYouTube Free" PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_DESCRIPTION = "With this plugin, you can embed YouTube videos into articles simply by copying and pasting a video URL from YouTube into an article with fluid responsive support." PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_WIDTH_LABEL="Width" PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_WIDTH_DESC="Set the width of the YouTube video. The default width is 425 pixels." PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_HEIGHT_LABEL="Height" PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_HEIGHT_DESC="Set the height of the YouTube video. The default width is 344 pixels." PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_RESPONSIVE_LABEL="Responsive" PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_RESPONSIVE_DESC="Use fluid responsive behavior." PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_IGNORE_HTML_LINKS_LABEL="Ignore HTML links" PLG_CONTENT_OSYOUTUBE_FIELD_IGNORE_HTML_LINKS_DESC="If true, the plugin will ignore all YouTube links wrapped by a <a> tag, recognizing only plain text URLs."