 * @package         Regular Labs Library
 * @version         18.2.10140
 * @author          Peter van Westen <info@regularlabs.com>
 * @link            http://www.regularlabs.com
 * @copyright       Copyright © 2018 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved
 * @license         http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL

namespace RegularLabs\Library\Condition;

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

use ContentsubmitModelArticle;
use JFactory;
use JTable;

 * Class ContentCategory
 * @package RegularLabs\Library\Condition
class ContentCategory
	extends Content
	public function pass()
		// components that use the com_content secs/cats
		$components = ['com_content', 'com_flexicontent', 'com_contentsubmit'];
		if ( ! in_array($this->request->option, $components))
			return $this->_(false);

		if (empty($this->selection))
			return $this->_(false);

		$is_content  = in_array($this->request->option, ['com_content', 'com_flexicontent']);
		$is_category = in_array($this->request->view, ['category']);
		$is_item     = in_array($this->request->view, ['', 'article', 'item', 'form']);

		if (
			$this->request->option != 'com_contentsubmit'
			&& ! ($this->params->inc_categories && $is_content && $is_category)
			&& ! ($this->params->inc_articles && $is_content && $is_item)
			&& ! ($this->params->inc_others && ! ($is_content && ($is_category || $is_item)))
			return $this->_(false);

		if ($this->request->option == 'com_contentsubmit')
			// Content Submit
			$contentsubmit_params = new ContentsubmitModelArticle;
			if (in_array($contentsubmit_params->_id, $this->selection))
				return $this->_(true);

			return $this->_(false);

		$pass = false;
		if (
			&& ! ($is_content && ($is_category || $is_item))
			&& $this->article
			if ( ! isset($this->article->id) && isset($this->article->slug))
				$this->article->id = (int) $this->article->slug;

			if ( ! isset($this->article->catid) && isset($this->article->catslug))
				$this->article->catid = (int) $this->article->catslug;

			$this->request->id   = $this->article->id;
			$this->request->view = 'article';

		$catids = $this->getCategoryIds($is_category);

		foreach ($catids as $catid)
			if ( ! $catid)

			$pass = in_array($catid, $this->selection);

			if ($pass && $this->params->inc_children == 2)
				$pass = false;

			if ( ! $pass && $this->params->inc_children)
				$parent_ids = $this->getCatParentIds($catid);
				$parent_ids = array_diff($parent_ids, [1]);
				foreach ($parent_ids as $id)
					if (in_array($id, $this->selection))
						$pass = true;


		return $this->_($pass);

	private function getCategoryIds($is_category = false)
		if ($is_category)
			return (array) $this->request->id;

		if ( ! $this->article && $this->request->id)
			$this->article = JTable::getInstance('content');

		if ($this->article && $this->article->catid)
			return (array) $this->article->catid;

		$catid      = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('catid', JFactory::getApplication()->getUserState('com_content.articles.filter.category_id'));
		$menuparams = $this->getMenuItemParams($this->request->Itemid);

		if ($this->request->view == 'featured')
			$menuparams = $this->getMenuItemParams($this->request->Itemid);

			return isset($menuparams->featured_categories) ? (array) $menuparams->featured_categories : (array) $catid;

		return isset($menuparams->catid) ? (array) $menuparams->catid : (array) $catid;

	private function getCatParentIds($id = 0)
		return $this->getParentIds($id, 'categories');