<?php /** * @package Joomla.Platform * @subpackage Database * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE */ defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; /** * PostgreSQL PDO Database Driver * * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.php * @since 3.9.0 */ class JDatabaseDriverPgsql extends JDatabaseDriverPdo { /** * The database driver name * * @var string * @since 3.9.0 */ public $name = 'pgsql'; /** * The character(s) used to quote SQL statement names such as table names or field names, * etc. The child classes should define this as necessary. If a single character string the * same character is used for both sides of the quoted name, else the first character will be * used for the opening quote and the second for the closing quote. * * @var string * @since 3.9.0 */ protected $nameQuote = '"'; /** * The null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver. This should be * defined in child classes to hold the appropriate value for the engine. * * @var string * @since 3.9.0 */ protected $nullDate = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'; /** * The minimum supported database version. * * @var string * @since 3.9.0 */ protected static $dbMinimum = '8.3.18'; /** * Operator used for concatenation * * @var string * @since 3.9.0 */ protected $concat_operator = '||'; /** * Database object constructor * * @param array $options List of options used to configure the connection * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function __construct($options) { $options['driver'] = 'pgsql'; $options['host'] = isset($options['host']) ? $options['host'] : 'localhost'; $options['user'] = isset($options['user']) ? $options['user'] : ''; $options['password'] = isset($options['password']) ? $options['password'] : ''; $options['database'] = isset($options['database']) ? $options['database'] : ''; $options['port'] = isset($options['port']) ? $options['port'] : null; // Finalize initialization parent::__construct($options); } /** * Connects to the database if needed. * * @return void Returns void if the database connected successfully. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function connect() { if ($this->getConnection()) { return; } parent::connect(); $this->setQuery('SET standard_conforming_strings = off')->execute(); } /** * Drops a table from the database. * * @param string $tableName The name of the database table to drop. * @param boolean $ifExists Optionally specify that the table must exist before it is dropped. * * @return boolean true * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function dropTable($tableName, $ifExists = true) { $this->setQuery('DROP TABLE ' . ($ifExists ? 'IF EXISTS ' : '') . $this->quoteName($tableName))->execute(); return true; } /** * Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database. * * @return mixed The collation in use by the database or boolean false if not supported. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getCollation() { $this->setQuery('SHOW LC_COLLATE'); $array = $this->loadAssocList(); return $array[0]['lc_collate']; } /** * Method to get the database connection collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database. * * @return mixed The collation in use by the database connection (string) or boolean false if not supported. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getConnectionCollation() { $this->setQuery('SHOW LC_COLLATE'); $array = $this->loadAssocList(); return $array[0]['lc_collate']; } /** * Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables. * * This is unsuported by PostgreSQL. * * @param mixed $tables A table name or a list of table names. * * @return string An empty string because this function is not supported by PostgreSQL. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getTableCreate($tables) { return ''; } /** * Retrieves field information about a given table. * * @param string $table The name of the database table. * @param boolean $typeOnly True to only return field types. * * @return array An array of fields for the database table. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getTableColumns($table, $typeOnly = true) { $this->connect(); $result = array(); $tableSub = $this->replacePrefix($table); $this->setQuery(' SELECT a.attname AS "column_name", pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as "type", CASE WHEN a.attnotnull IS TRUE THEN \'NO\' ELSE \'YES\' END AS "null", CASE WHEN pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(adef.adbin, adef.adrelid, true) IS NOT NULL THEN pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(adef.adbin, adef.adrelid, true) END as "Default", CASE WHEN pg_catalog.col_description(a.attrelid, a.attnum) IS NULL THEN \'\' ELSE pg_catalog.col_description(a.attrelid, a.attnum) END AS "comments" FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef adef ON a.attrelid=adef.adrelid AND a.attnum=adef.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type t ON a.atttypid=t.oid WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname=' . $this->quote($tableSub) . ' AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = \'public\') ) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ORDER BY a.attnum' ); $fields = $this->loadObjectList(); if ($typeOnly) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $result[$field->column_name] = preg_replace('/[(0-9)]/', '', $field->type); } } else { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (stristr(strtolower($field->type), 'character varying')) { $field->Default = ''; } if (stristr(strtolower($field->type), 'text')) { $field->Default = ''; } // Do some dirty translation to MySQL output. // @todo: Come up with and implement a standard across databases. $result[$field->column_name] = (object) array( 'column_name' => $field->column_name, 'type' => $field->type, 'null' => $field->null, 'Default' => $field->Default, 'comments' => '', 'Field' => $field->column_name, 'Type' => $field->type, 'Null' => $field->null, // @todo: Improve query above to return primary key info as well // 'Key' => ($field->PK == '1' ? 'PRI' : '') ); } } // Change Postgresql's NULL::* type with PHP's null one foreach ($fields as $field) { if (preg_match('/^NULL::*/', $field->Default)) { $field->Default = null; } } return $result; } /** * Get the details list of keys for a table. * * @param string $table The name of the table. * * @return array An array of the column specification for the table. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getTableKeys($table) { $this->connect(); // To check if table exists and prevent SQL injection $tableList = $this->getTableList(); if (in_array($table, $tableList, true)) { // Get the details columns information. $this->setQuery(' SELECT indexname AS "idxName", indisprimary AS "isPrimary", indisunique AS "isUnique", CASE WHEN indisprimary = true THEN ( SELECT \'ALTER TABLE \' || tablename || \' ADD \' || pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(const.oid, true) FROM pg_constraint AS const WHERE const.conname= pgClassFirst.relname ) ELSE pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid, 0, true) END AS "Query" FROM pg_indexes LEFT JOIN pg_class AS pgClassFirst ON indexname=pgClassFirst.relname LEFT JOIN pg_index AS pgIndex ON pgClassFirst.oid=pgIndex.indexrelid WHERE tablename=' . $this->quote($table) . ' ORDER BY indkey' ); return $this->loadObjectList(); } return false; } /** * Method to get an array of all tables in the database. * * @return array An array of all the tables in the database. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getTableList() { $query = $this->getQuery(true) ->select('table_name') ->from('information_schema.tables') ->where('table_type = ' . $this->quote('BASE TABLE')) ->where('table_schema NOT IN (' . $this->quote('pg_catalog') . ', ' . $this->quote('information_schema') . ')') ->order('table_name ASC'); $this->setQuery($query); return $this->loadColumn(); } /** * Get the details list of sequences for a table. * * @param string $table The name of the table. * * @return array An array of sequences specification for the table. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getTableSequences($table) { // To check if table exists and prevent SQL injection $tableList = $this->getTableList(); if (in_array($table, $tableList, true)) { $name = array( 's.relname', 'n.nspname', 't.relname', 'a.attname', 'info.data_type', 'info.minimum_value', 'info.maximum_value', 'info.increment', 'info.cycle_option' ); $as = array('sequence', 'schema', 'table', 'column', 'data_type', 'minimum_value', 'maximum_value', 'increment', 'cycle_option'); if (version_compare($this->getVersion(), '9.1.0') >= 0) { $name[] .= 'info.start_value'; $as[] .= 'start_value'; } // Get the details columns information. $query = $this->getQuery(true) ->select($this->quoteName($name, $as)) ->from('pg_class AS s') ->leftJoin("pg_depend d ON d.objid = s.oid AND d.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass") ->leftJoin('pg_class t ON t.oid = d.refobjid') ->leftJoin('pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.relnamespace') ->leftJoin('pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = t.oid AND a.attnum = d.refobjsubid') ->leftJoin('information_schema.sequences AS info ON info.sequence_name = s.relname') ->where('s.relkind = ' . $this->quote('S') . ' AND d.deptype = ' . $this->quote('a') . ' AND t.relname = ' . $this->quote($table)); $this->setQuery($query); return $this->loadObjectList(); } return false; } /** * Locks a table in the database. * * @param string $tableName The name of the table to unlock. * * @return JDatabaseDriverPgsql Returns this object to support chaining. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function lockTable($tableName) { $this->transactionStart(); $this->setQuery('LOCK TABLE ' . $this->quoteName($tableName) . ' IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE')->execute(); return $this; } /** * Renames a table in the database. * * @param string $oldTable The name of the table to be renamed * @param string $newTable The new name for the table. * @param string $backup Not used by PostgreSQL. * @param string $prefix Not used by PostgreSQL. * * @return JDatabaseDriverPgsql Returns this object to support chaining. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function renameTable($oldTable, $newTable, $backup = null, $prefix = null) { $this->connect(); // To check if table exists and prevent SQL injection $tableList = $this->getTableList(); // Origin Table does not exist if (!in_array($oldTable, $tableList, true)) { // Origin Table not found throw new \RuntimeException('Table not found in Postgresql database.'); } // Rename indexes $subQuery = $this->getQuery(true) ->select('indexrelid') ->from('pg_index, pg_class') ->where('pg_class.relname = ' . $this->quote($oldTable)) ->where('pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid'); $this->setQuery( $this->getQuery(true) ->select('relname') ->from('pg_class') ->where('oid IN (' . (string) $subQuery . ')') ); $oldIndexes = $this->loadColumn(); foreach ($oldIndexes as $oldIndex) { $changedIdxName = str_replace($oldTable, $newTable, $oldIndex); $this->setQuery('ALTER INDEX ' . $this->escape($oldIndex) . ' RENAME TO ' . $this->escape($changedIdxName))->execute(); } // Rename sequences $subQuery = $this->getQuery(true) ->select('oid') ->from('pg_namespace') ->where('nspname NOT LIKE ' . $this->quote('pg_%')) ->where('nspname != ' . $this->quote('information_schema')); $this->setQuery( $this->getQuery(true) ->select('relname') ->from('pg_class') ->where('relkind = ' . $this->quote('S')) ->where('relnamespace IN (' . (string) $subQuery . ')') ->where('relname LIKE ' . $this->quote("%$oldTable%")) ); $oldSequences = $this->loadColumn(); foreach ($oldSequences as $oldSequence) { $changedSequenceName = str_replace($oldTable, $newTable, $oldSequence); $this->setQuery('ALTER SEQUENCE ' . $this->escape($oldSequence) . ' RENAME TO ' . $this->escape($changedSequenceName))->execute(); } // Rename table $this->setQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->escape($oldTable) . ' RENAME TO ' . $this->escape($newTable))->execute(); return true; } /** * This function return a field value as a prepared string to be used in a SQL statement. * * @param array $columns Array of table's column returned by ::getTableColumns. * @param string $field_name The table field's name. * @param string $field_value The variable value to quote and return. * * @return string The quoted string. * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function sqlValue($columns, $field_name, $field_value) { switch ($columns[$field_name]) { case 'boolean': $val = 'NULL'; if ($field_value === 't' || $field_value === true || $field_value === 1 || $field_value === '1') { $val = 'TRUE'; } elseif ($field_value === 'f' || $field_value === false || $field_value === 0 || $field_value === '0') { $val = 'FALSE'; } break; case 'bigint': case 'bigserial': case 'integer': case 'money': case 'numeric': case 'real': case 'smallint': case 'serial': case 'numeric,': $val = $field_value === '' ? 'NULL' : $field_value; break; case 'date': case 'timestamp without time zone': if (empty($field_value)) { $field_value = $this->getNullDate(); } $val = $this->quote($field_value); break; default: $val = $this->quote($field_value); break; } return $val; } /** * Method to commit a transaction. * * @param boolean $toSavepoint If true, commit to the last savepoint. * * @return void * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function transactionCommit($toSavepoint = false) { $this->connect(); if (!$toSavepoint || $this->transactionDepth <= 1) { if ($this->setQuery('COMMIT')->execute()) { $this->transactionDepth = 0; } return; } $this->transactionDepth--; } /** * Method to roll back a transaction. * * @param boolean $toSavepoint If true, rollback to the last savepoint. * * @return void * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function transactionRollback($toSavepoint = false) { $this->connect(); if (!$toSavepoint || $this->transactionDepth <= 1) { if ($this->setQuery('ROLLBACK')->execute()) { $this->transactionDepth = 0; } return; } $savepoint = 'SP_' . ($this->transactionDepth - 1); $this->setQuery('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ' . $this->quoteName($savepoint)); if ($this->execute()) { $this->transactionDepth--; $this->setQuery('RELEASE SAVEPOINT ' . $this->quoteName($savepoint))->execute(); } } /** * Method to initialize a transaction. * * @param boolean $asSavepoint If true and a transaction is already active, a savepoint will be created. * * @return void * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function transactionStart($asSavepoint = false) { $this->connect(); if (!$asSavepoint || !$this->transactionDepth) { if ($this->setQuery('START TRANSACTION')->execute()) { $this->transactionDepth = 1; } return; } $savepoint = 'SP_' . $this->transactionDepth; $this->setQuery('SAVEPOINT ' . $this->quoteName($savepoint)); if ($this->execute()) { $this->transactionDepth++; } } /** * Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties. * * @param string $table The name of the database table to insert into. * @param object &$object A reference to an object whose public properties match the table fields. * @param string $key The name of the primary key. If provided the object property is updated. * * @return boolean True on success. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function insertObject($table, &$object, $key = null) { $columns = $this->getTableColumns($table); $fields = array(); $values = array(); // Iterate over the object variables to build the query fields and values. foreach (get_object_vars($object) as $k => $v) { // Skip columns that don't exist in the table. if (!array_key_exists($k, $columns)) { continue; } // Only process non-null scalars. if (is_array($v) || is_object($v) || $v === null) { continue; } // Ignore any internal fields or primary keys with value 0. if (($k[0] === '_') || ($k == $key && (($v === 0) || ($v === '0')))) { continue; } // Prepare and sanitize the fields and values for the database query. $fields[] = $this->quoteName($k); $values[] = $this->sqlValue($columns, $k, $v); } // Create the base insert statement. $query = $this->getQuery(true); $query->insert($this->quoteName($table)) ->columns($fields) ->values(implode(',', $values)); $retVal = false; if ($key) { $query->returning($key); // Set the query and execute the insert. $this->setQuery($query); $id = $this->loadResult(); if ($id) { $object->$key = $id; $retVal = true; } } else { // Set the query and execute the insert. $this->setQuery($query); if ($this->execute()) { $retVal = true; } } return $retVal; } /** * Test to see if the PostgreSQL connector is available. * * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise. * * @since 3.9.0 */ public static function isSupported() { return class_exists('PDO') && in_array('pgsql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers(), true); } /** * Returns an array containing database's table list. * * @return array The database's table list. * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function showTables() { $query = $this->getQuery(true) ->select('table_name') ->from('information_schema.tables') ->where('table_type=' . $this->quote('BASE TABLE')) ->where('table_schema NOT IN (' . $this->quote('pg_catalog') . ', ' . $this->quote('information_schema') . ' )'); $this->setQuery($query); return $this->loadColumn(); } /** * Get the substring position inside a string * * @param string $substring The string being sought * @param string $string The string/column being searched * * @return integer The position of $substring in $string * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function getStringPositionSql($substring, $string) { $this->setQuery("SELECT POSITION($substring IN $string)"); $position = $this->loadRow(); return $position['position']; } /** * Generate a random value * * @return float The random generated number * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function getRandom() { $this->setQuery('SELECT RANDOM()'); $random = $this->loadAssoc(); return $random['random']; } /** * Get the query string to alter the database character set. * * @param string $dbName The database name * * @return string The query that alter the database query string * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function getAlterDbCharacterSet($dbName) { return 'ALTER DATABASE ' . $this->quoteName($dbName) . ' SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO ' . $this->quote('UTF8'); } /** * Get the query string to create new Database in correct PostgreSQL syntax. * * @param object $options object coming from "initialise" function to pass user and database name to database driver. * @param boolean $utf True if the database supports the UTF-8 character set, not used in PostgreSQL "CREATE DATABASE" query. * * @return string The query that creates database, owned by $options['user'] * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function getCreateDbQuery($options, $utf) { $query = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $this->quoteName($options->db_name) . ' OWNER ' . $this->quoteName($options->db_user); if ($utf) { $query .= ' ENCODING ' . $this->quote('UTF-8'); } return $query; } /** * This function replaces a string identifier <var>$prefix</var> with the string held is the <var>tablePrefix</var> class variable. * * @param string $sql The SQL statement to prepare. * @param string $prefix The common table prefix. * * @return string The processed SQL statement. * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function replacePrefix($sql, $prefix = '#__') { $sql = trim($sql); if (strpos($sql, '\'')) { // Sequence name quoted with ' ' but need to be replaced if (strpos($sql, 'currval')) { $sql = explode('currval', $sql); for ($nIndex = 1, $nIndexMax = count($sql); $nIndex < $nIndexMax; $nIndex += 2) { $sql[$nIndex] = str_replace($prefix, $this->tablePrefix, $sql[$nIndex]); } $sql = implode('currval', $sql); } // Sequence name quoted with ' ' but need to be replaced if (strpos($sql, 'nextval')) { $sql = explode('nextval', $sql); for ($nIndex = 1, $nIndexMax = count($sql); $nIndex < $nIndexMax; $nIndex += 2) { $sql[$nIndex] = str_replace($prefix, $this->tablePrefix, $sql[$nIndex]); } $sql = implode('nextval', $sql); } // Sequence name quoted with ' ' but need to be replaced if (strpos($sql, 'setval')) { $sql = explode('setval', $sql); for ($nIndex = 1, $nIndexMax = count($sql); $nIndex < $nIndexMax; $nIndex += 2) { $sql[$nIndex] = str_replace($prefix, $this->tablePrefix, $sql[$nIndex]); } $sql = implode('setval', $sql); } $explodedQuery = explode('\'', $sql); for ($nIndex = 0, $nIndexMax = count($explodedQuery); $nIndex < $nIndexMax; $nIndex += 2) { if (strpos($explodedQuery[$nIndex], $prefix)) { $explodedQuery[$nIndex] = str_replace($prefix, $this->tablePrefix, $explodedQuery[$nIndex]); } } $replacedQuery = implode('\'', $explodedQuery); } else { $replacedQuery = str_replace($prefix, $this->tablePrefix, $sql); } return $replacedQuery; } /** * Unlocks tables in the database, this command does not exist in PostgreSQL, it is automatically done on commit or rollback. * * @return JDatabaseDriverPgsql Returns this object to support chaining. * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function unlockTables() { $this->transactionCommit(); return $this; } /** * Updates a row in a table based on an object's properties. * * @param string $table The name of the database table to update. * @param object &$object A reference to an object whose public properties match the table fields. * @param array $key The name of the primary key. * @param boolean $nulls True to update null fields or false to ignore them. * * @return boolean * * @since 3.9.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function updateObject($table, &$object, $key, $nulls = false) { $columns = $this->getTableColumns($table); $fields = array(); $where = array(); if (is_string($key)) { $key = array($key); } if (is_object($key)) { $key = (array) $key; } // Create the base update statement. $statement = 'UPDATE ' . $this->quoteName($table) . ' SET %s WHERE %s'; // Iterate over the object variables to build the query fields/value pairs. foreach (get_object_vars($object) as $k => $v) { // Skip columns that don't exist in the table. if (! array_key_exists($k, $columns)) { continue; } // Only process scalars that are not internal fields. if (is_array($v) || is_object($v) || $k[0] === '_') { continue; } // Set the primary key to the WHERE clause instead of a field to update. if (in_array($k, $key, true)) { $key_val = $this->sqlValue($columns, $k, $v); $where[] = $this->quoteName($k) . '=' . $key_val; continue; } // Prepare and sanitize the fields and values for the database query. if ($v === null) { // If the value is null and we do not want to update nulls then ignore this field. if (!$nulls) { continue; } // If the value is null and we want to update nulls then set it. $val = 'NULL'; } else // The field is not null so we prep it for update. { $val = $this->sqlValue($columns, $k, $v); } // Add the field to be updated. $fields[] = $this->quoteName($k) . '=' . $val; } // We don't have any fields to update. if (empty($fields)) { return true; } // Set the query and execute the update. $this->setQuery(sprintf($statement, implode(',', $fields), implode(' AND ', $where))); return $this->execute(); } /** * Quotes a binary string to database requirements for use in database queries. * * @param mixed $data A binary string to quote. * * @return string The binary quoted input string. * * @since 3.9.12 */ public function quoteBinary($data) { return "decode('" . bin2hex($data) . "', 'hex')"; } }