36886d7f by Yokihito Oki


1 parent f86d6f82
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ JHtml::_('script', 'template.js', array('version' => 'auto', 'relative' => true)
JHtml::_('script', 'jui/html5.js', array('version' => 'auto', 'relative' => true, 'conditional' => 'lt IE 9'));
// Add Stylesheets
JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'template.css', array('version' => '20200831001', 'relative' => true));
JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'template.css', array('version' => '20201022001', 'relative' => true));
// Use of Google Font
Styling with Markdown is supported
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