subform-repeatable-uncompressed.js 9.82 KB
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

	"use strict";
	$.subformRepeatable = function(container, options){
		this.$container = $(container);

		// check if already exist
			return self;

		// Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
		this.$"subformRepeatable", self);

		// merge options
		this.options = $.extend({}, $.subformRepeatable.defaults, options);

		// template for the repeating group
		this.template = '';

		// prepare a row template, and find available field names

		// check rows container
		this.$containerRows = this.options.rowsContainer ? this.$container.find(this.options.rowsContainer) : this.$container;

		// To avoid scope issues,
		var self = this;

		// bind add button
		this.$container.on('click', this.options.btAdd, function (e) {
			var after = $(this).parents(self.options.repeatableElement);
				after = null;

		// bind remove button
		this.$container.on('click', this.options.btRemove, function (e) {
			var $row = $(this).parents(self.options.repeatableElement);

		// bind move button
				items: this.options.repeatableElement,
				handle: this.options.btMove,
				tolerance: 'pointer'

		// tell all that we a ready

	// prepare a template that we will use repeating
	$.subformRepeatable.prototype.prepareTemplate = function(){
		// create from template
		if (this.options.rowTemplateSelector) {
			// Find the template element and get its HTML content, this is our template.
			var $tmplElement = this.$container.find(this.options.rowTemplateSelector).last();

			this.template = $.trim($tmplElement.html()) || '';

			// This is IE fix for <template>
			$tmplElement.css('display', 'none'); // Make sure it not visible
			var map = {'SUBFORMLT': '<', 'SUBFORMGT': '>'};
			this.template = this.template.replace(/(SUBFORMLT)|(SUBFORMGT)/g, function(match){
				return map[match];
		// create from existing rows
		else {
			//find first available
			var row = this.$container.find(this.options.repeatableElement).get(0),
				$row = $(row).clone();

			// clear scripts that can be attached to the fields
			try {
			} catch (e) {

			this.template = $row.prop('outerHTML');

	// add new row
	$.subformRepeatable.prototype.addRow = function(after){
		// count how much we already have
		var count = this.$containerRows.find(this.options.repeatableElement).length;
		if(count >= this.options.maximum){
			return null;

		// make new from template
		var row = $.parseHTML(this.template);

		//add to container
		} else {

		var $row = $(row);
		//add marker that it is new
		$row.attr('data-new', 'true');
		// fix names and id`s, and reset values
		this.fixUniqueAttributes($row, count);

		// try find out with related scripts,
		// tricky thing, so be careful
		try {
		} catch (e) {

		// tell everyone about the new row
		this.$container.trigger('subform-row-add', $row);
		return $row;

	// remove row
	$.subformRepeatable.prototype.removeRow = function($row){
		// count how much we have
		var count = this.$containerRows.find(this.options.repeatableElement).length;
		if(count <= this.options.minimum){

		// tell everyoune about the row will be removed
		this.$container.trigger('subform-row-remove', $row);

	// fix names and id`s for fields in $row
	$.subformRepeatable.prototype.fixUniqueAttributes = function(
		$row, // the jQuery object to do fixes in
		_count, // existing count of rows
		_group, // current group name, e.g. 'optionsX'
		_basename // group base name, without count, e.g. 'options'
	) {
		var group = (typeof _group === 'undefined' ? $row.attr('data-group') : _group),
			basename = (typeof _basename === 'undefined' ? $row.attr('data-base-name') : _basename),
			count    = (typeof _count === 'undefined' ? 0 : _count),
			groupnew = basename + count;

		$row.attr('data-group', groupnew);

		// Fix inputs that have a "name" attribute
		var haveName = $row.find('[name]'),
			ids = {}; // Collect id for fix checkboxes and radio

		for (var i = 0, l = haveName.length; i < l; i++) {
			var $el     = $(haveName[i]),
				name    = $el.attr('name'),
				id      = name.replace(/(\[\]$)/g, '').replace(/(\]\[)/g, '__').replace(/\[/g, '_').replace(/\]/g, ''), // id from name
				nameNew = name.replace('[' + group + '][', '['+ groupnew +']['), // New name
				idNew   = id.replace(group, groupnew).replace(/\W/g, '_'), // Count new id
				countMulti = 0, // count for multiple radio/checkboxes
				forOldAttr = id; // Fix "for" in the labels

			if ($el.prop('type') === 'checkbox' && name.match(/\[\]$/)) { // <input type="checkbox" name="name[]"> fix
				// Recount id
				countMulti = ids[id] ? ids[id].length : 0;
				if (!countMulti) {
					// Set the id for fieldset and group label
					$el.closest('fieldset.checkboxes').attr('id', idNew);
					$row.find('label[for="' + id + '"]').attr('for', idNew).attr('id', idNew + '-lbl');
				forOldAttr = forOldAttr + countMulti;
				idNew = idNew + countMulti;
			else if ($el.prop('type') === 'radio') { // <input type="radio"> fix
				// Recount id
				countMulti = ids[id] ? ids[id].length : 0;
				if (!countMulti) {
					// Set the id for fieldset and group label
					$el.closest('').attr('id', idNew);
					$row.find('label[for="' + id + '"]').attr('for', idNew).attr('id', idNew + '-lbl');
				forOldAttr = forOldAttr + countMulti;
				idNew = idNew + countMulti;

			// Cache already used id
			if (ids[id]) {
			} else {
				ids[id] = [true];

			// Replace the name to new one
			$el.attr('name', nameNew);
			// Set new id
			$el.attr('id', idNew);
			// Guess there a label for this input
			$row.find('label[for="' + forOldAttr + '"]').attr('for', idNew).attr('id', idNew + '-lbl');

		 * Recursively replace our basename + old group with basename + new group
		 * inside of nested subform template elements. First we try to find such
		 * template elements, then we iterate through them and do the same replacements
		 * that we have made here inside of them.
		var nestedTemplates = $row.find(this.options.rowTemplateSelector);
		// If we found it, iterate over the found ones (might be more than one!)
		for (var j = 0; j < nestedTemplates.length; j++) {
			// Get the nested templates content (as DocumentFragment) and cast it
			// to a jQuery object
			var nestedTemplate = $($(nestedTemplates[j]).prop('content'));
			// Fix the attributes for this nested template.
			this.fixUniqueAttributes(nestedTemplate, count, group, basename);

	// remove scripts attached to fields
	// @TODO: make thing better when something like that will be accepted
	$.subformRepeatable.prototype.clearScripts = function($row){
		// destroy chosen if any
				var $el = $(this);

	// method for hack the scripts that can be related
	// to the one of field that in given $row
	// @TODO Stop using this function. Elements within subforms should initialize themselves
	$.subformRepeatable.prototype.fixScripts = function($row){
		// fix media field
				var $el = $(this),
				inputId = $el.siblings('input[type="text"]').attr('id'),
				$select = $el.prev(),
				oldHref = $select.attr('href');
			// update the clear button
			$el.attr('onclick', "jInsertFieldValue('', '" + inputId + "');return false;")
			// update select button
			$select.attr('href', oldHref.replace(/&fieldid=(.+)&/, '&fieldid=' + inputId + '&'));

	// defaults
	$.subformRepeatable.defaults = {
		// button selector for "add" action, must be unique per nested subform!
		btAdd: ".group-add",
		// button selector for "remove" action, must be unique per nested subform!
		btRemove: ".group-remove",
		// button selector for "move" action, must be unique per nested subform!
		btMove: ".group-move",
		// minimum repeating
		minimum: 0,
		// maximum repeating
		maximum: 10,
		// selector for the repeatable element inside the main container,
		// must be unique per nested subform!
		repeatableElement: ".subform-repeatable-group",
		// selector for the row template element with URL-encoded template inside it,
		// must *NOT* be unique per nested subform!
		rowTemplateSelector: 'template.subform-repeatable-template-section',
		// container for rows, same as main container by default
		rowsContainer: null

	$.fn.subformRepeatable = function(options){
		return this.each(function(){
			var options = options || {},
				data = $(this).data();

				// Alredy initialized, nothing to do here

			for (var p in data) {
				// check options in the element
				if (data.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
					options[p] = data[p];

			var inst = new $.subformRepeatable(this, options);
			$(this).data('subformRepeatable', inst);

	// initialise all available on load and again within any added row
	$(function ($) {
		$(document).on('subform-row-add', initSubform);

		function initSubform (event, container) {
			$(container || document).find('div.subform-repeatable').subformRepeatable();
