monthlyarchive.xml 2.17 KB
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<extension version="3.2" type="component" method="upgrade">
	<author>Web357 (Yiannis Christodoulou)</author>
	<description>The Monthly Archive Joomla! component provides a list of Joomla or K2 content divided into months and years. It is supplied with a lot of features and multiple parameters, improves user navigation and works as a search tool too. It is great for blogs, news portals, journalists, authors, speakers, and any other content based website.</description>
	<creationDate>10 Feb 2018</creationDate>
	<copyright>Copyright (C) 2018 - Web357. All rights reserved.</copyright>
	<files folder="site">	
		<menu link="option=com_monthlyarchive&amp;view=overv" admin_menu_link="option=com_monthlyarchive&amp;view=overv" view="overv" img="components/com_monthlyarchive/assets/icons/monthlyarchive-monthlyarchive-favicon.png">COM_MONTHLYARCHIVE</menu>			
		<files folder="admin">
        <server type="extension" priority="1" name="Monthly Archive (Pro version)"><![CDATA[]]></server>