REST.php 4.14 KB
// namespace administrator\components\com_jmap\framework\google;
 * @package JMAP::FRAMEWORK::administrator::components::com_jmap
 * @subpackage framework
 * @subpackage google
 * @author Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @copyright (C) 2015 - Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @license GNU/GPLv2
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ();

 * This class implements the RESTful transport of apiServiceRequest()'s
 * @author Chris Chabot <>
 * @author Chirag Shah <>
class Google_Http_REST
   * Executes a Google_Http_Request
   * @param Google_Client $client
   * @param Google_Http_Request $req
   * @return array decoded result
   * @throws Google_Service_Exception on server side error (ie: not authenticated,
   *  invalid or malformed post body, invalid url)
  public static function execute(Google_Client $client, Google_Http_Request $req)
    $httpRequest = $client->getIo()->makeRequest($req);
    return self::decodeHttpResponse($httpRequest);

   * Decode an HTTP Response.
   * @static
   * @throws Google_Service_Exception
   * @param Google_Http_Request $response The http response to be decoded.
   * @return mixed|null
  public static function decodeHttpResponse($response)
    $code = $response->getResponseHttpCode();
    $body = $response->getResponseBody();
    $decoded = null;

    if ((intVal($code)) >= 300) {
      $decoded = json_decode($body, true);
      $err = 'Error calling ' . $response->getRequestMethod() . ' ' . $response->getUrl();
      if (isset($decoded['error']) &&
          isset($decoded['error']['message'])  &&
          isset($decoded['error']['code'])) {
        // if we're getting a json encoded error definition, use that instead of the raw response
        // body for improved readability
        $err .= ": ({$decoded['error']['code']}) {$decoded['error']['message']}";
      } else {
        $err .= ": ($code) $body";

      $errors = null;
      // Specific check for APIs which don't return error details, such as Blogger.
      if (isset($decoded['error']) && isset($decoded['error']['errors'])) {
        $errors = $decoded['error']['errors'];

      throw new Google_Service_Exception($err, $code, null, $errors);

    // Only attempt to decode the response, if the response code wasn't (204) 'no content'
    if ($code != '204') {
      $decoded = json_decode($body, true);
      if ($decoded === null || $decoded === "") {
        throw new Google_Service_Exception("Invalid json in service response: $body");

      if ($response->getExpectedClass()) {
        $class = $response->getExpectedClass();
        $decoded = new $class($decoded);
    return $decoded;

   * Parse/expand request parameters and create a fully qualified
   * request uri.
   * @static
   * @param string $servicePath
   * @param string $restPath
   * @param array $params
   * @return string $requestUrl
  public static function createRequestUri($servicePath, $restPath, $params)
    $requestUrl = $servicePath . $restPath;
    $uriTemplateVars = array();
    $queryVars = array();
    foreach ($params as $paramName => $paramSpec) {
      if ($paramSpec['type'] == 'boolean') {
        $paramSpec['value'] = ($paramSpec['value']) ? 'true' : 'false';
      if ($paramSpec['location'] == 'path') {
        $uriTemplateVars[$paramName] = $paramSpec['value'];
      } else if ($paramSpec['location'] == 'query') {
        if (isset($paramSpec['repeated']) && is_array($paramSpec['value'])) {
          foreach ($paramSpec['value'] as $value) {
            $queryVars[] = $paramName . '=' . rawurlencode($value);
        } else {
          $queryVars[] = $paramName . '=' . rawurlencode($paramSpec['value']);

    if (count($uriTemplateVars)) {
      $uriTemplateParser = new Google_Utils_URITemplate();
      $requestUrl = $uriTemplateParser->parse($requestUrl, $uriTemplateVars);

    if (count($queryVars)) {
      $requestUrl .= '?' . implode($queryVars, '&');

    return $requestUrl;