en-GB.plg_system_betterpreview.ini 3.85 KB
;; @package         Better Preview
;; @version         6.1.0
;; @author          Peter van Westen <info@regularlabs.com>
;; @link            http://www.regularlabs.com
;; @copyright       Copyright © 2018 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved
;; @license         http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL
;; @translate       Want to help with translations? See: https://www.regularlabs.com/translate

PLG_SYSTEM_BETTERPREVIEW="System - Regular Labs - Better Preview"
PLG_SYSTEM_BETTERPREVIEW_DESC="Better Preview - preview as it should be in Joomla!"
BETTER_PREVIEW="Better Preview"

BETTER_PREVIEW_DESC="Better Preview gives you the ability to get a preview of your content before you save or publish it.<br><br>Better Preview also extends the View Site links to give you direct links to the frontend of the page you are viewing in the administrator."

BP_EXTENSION_CAN_NOT_FUNCTION="[[%1:extension name%]] cannot function."
BP_REGULAR_LABS_LIBRARY_NOT_ENABLED="Regular Labs Library plugin is not enabled."
BP_REGULAR_LABS_LIBRARY_NOT_INSTALLED="Regular Labs Library plugin is not installed."
BP_REGULAR_LABS_LIBRARY_OUTDATED="Regular Labs Library plugin is outdated. Try to re-install [[%1:extension name%]]."

BP_BUTTON_PRIMARY="Primary Button"
BP_BUTTON_PRIMARY_DESC="Select to give the button a primary styling."
BP_DEFAULT_HOME_MENU="Default Home Menu Item"
BP_DEFAULT_MENU_ID="Default Menu Item"
BP_DEFAULT_MENU_ID_DESC="Select the default menu item to be used as active menu item for the url if no other matching menu id is found."
BP_DISPLAY_STATUS_LINK="Display Status Link"
BP_DISPLAY_STATUS_LINK_DESC="Select to convert the view site link in the status position to the Better Preview View Site pulldown link."
BP_DISPLAY_TITLE_LINK="Display Title Link"
BP_DISPLAY_TITLE_LINK_DESC="Select to convert the title link to the Better Preview View Site pulldown link."
BP_INDEX_TIMEOUT="SEF Index Timeout (hrs)"
BP_INDEX_TIMEOUT_DESC="The timeout in hours for the SEF Urls Index. If you experience slowness in the admin pages, increase this number."
BP_MESSAGE_HAS_CHANGES="This item has unsaved changes."
BP_MESSAGE_ITEM_ACCESS="This item has a non-public access level. This page may not available on your live site."
BP_MESSAGE_ITEM_UNPUBLISHED="This item is unpublished. This page is not available on your live site."
BP_MESSAGE_PAGE="This is a preview"
BP_MESSAGE_PARENT_ACCESS="A parent category has a non-public access level. This page may not available on your live site."
BP_MESSAGE_PARENT_UNPUBLISHED="A parent category is unpublished. This page is not available on your live site."
BP_OPEN_CATEGORIES_AS="Open Categories as"
BP_OPEN_CATEGORIES_AS_DESC="Select how to open categories by default (if no matching menu item is found)"
BP_PREVIEW_WINDOW_WIDTH="Preview Window Width"
BP_PREVIEW_WINDOW_WIDTH_DESC="Set a fixed width in pixels for the modal popup preview window. Leave empty to use maximum width."
BP_PURGE_COMPONENT_CACHE="Purge Component Cache"
BP_PURGE_COMPONENT_CACHE_DESC="Select to make Better Preview purge the cache of the applicable component before rendering the preview."
BP_PURGE_INDEX_DESC="Click to purge the SEF URLS Index."
BP_REVERSE_STATUS_LINK="Reverse Status Link"
BP_REVERSE_STATUS_LINK_DESC="Select to reverse the order of the items in the pulldown (or pullup) in the status position."
BP_SHOW_LINK_TYPE_DESC="Select to show the link type in the list of links."
BP_SHOW_URL_DETAILS_DESC="Select to show an clickable icon in the list of links that shows you extra URL details."
BP_THE_EDITOR_BUTTON="the Better Preview editor button plugin"