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administrator/components/com_creativecontactform/creativecontactform.php 1.02 KB
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 * Joomla! component Creative Contact Form
 * @version $Id: 2012-04-05 14:30:25 svn $
 * @author
 * @package Creative Contact Form
 * @subpackage com_creativecontactform
 * @license GNU/GPL

// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restircted access');

 * Define constants for all pages
define('JV', (version_compare(JVERSION, '3', 'l')) ? 'j2' : 'j3');

// Require the base controller
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'helpers'.DS.'helper.php';

// Initialize the controller
$controller	= JControllerLegacy::getInstance('creativecontactform');

$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$cssFile = JURI::base(true).'/components/com_creativecontactform/assets/css/icons_'.JV.'.css';
$document->addStyleSheet($cssFile, 'text/css', null, array());

// Perform the Request task
if(JV == 'j2')
	$controller->execute( JRequest::getCmd('task'));