Blame view

components/com_jmap/views/sitemap/tmpl/default_videos_plugin.php 4.38 KB
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 * @package JMAP::SITEMAP::components::com_jmap
 * @subpackage views
 * @subpackage sitemap
 * @subpackage tmpl
 * @author Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @copyright (C) 2015 - Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @license GNU/GPLv2
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );

$linkableCatsMode = $this->sourceparams->get ( 'linkable_content_cats', 1 );

// Init exclusion
$videoFilterInclude = array();
if(trim($this->sourceparams->get ( 'videos_filter_include', '' ))) {
	$this->videoFilterInclude = explode(',', $this->sourceparams->get ( 'videos_filter_include', '' ));
$videoFilterExclude = array();
if(trim($this->sourceparams->get ( 'videos_filter_exclude', '' ))) {
	$this->videoFilterExclude = explode(',', $this->sourceparams->get ( 'videos_filter_exclude', '' ));

// Init and merge global inclusions filters data sources wide
if($globalVideosFilterInclude = trim($this->cparams->get ( 'videos_global_filter_include', '' ))) {
	$videoGlobalFilterInclude = explode(',', $globalVideosFilterInclude);
	$this->videoFilterInclude = array_merge($videoFilterInclude, $videoGlobalFilterInclude);
// Init and merge global exclusions filters data sources wide
if($globalVideosFilterExclude = trim($this->cparams->get ( 'videos_global_filter_exclude', '' ))) {
	$videoGlobalFilterExclude = explode(',', $globalVideosFilterExclude);
	$this->videoFilterExclude = array_merge($videoFilterExclude, $videoGlobalFilterExclude);

// Inject categories links
if($linkableCatsMode && isset($this->source->itemsTree) && isset($this->source->categoriesTree)) {
	foreach ( $this->source->categoriesTree as $itemsOfCategory ) {
		if(count($itemsOfCategory)) {
			foreach ($itemsOfCategory as $itemOfCategory) {
				$itemOfCategory->link = $itemOfCategory->category_link;
				$this->source->data[] = $itemOfCategory;

// Inject items links
if (count ( $this->source->data ) != 0) {  
	foreach ( $this->source->data as $item ) {
		// Check to ensure is counting valid request
		if(!$this->HTTPClient->isValidRequest()) {
		// Skip outputting
		if(array_key_exists($item->link, $this->outputtedLinksBuffer)) {
		// Else store to prevent duplication
		$this->outputtedLinksBuffer[$item->link] = true;
		// HTTP Request to remote URL to get videos
		$headers = array('Accept'=>'text/html', 'User-Agent'=>'JSitemapbot/1.0');
		$HTTPResponse = $this->HTTPClient->get($this->liveSiteCrawler . $item->link, $headers);
		$pageHtml = $HTTPResponse->body;
		$this->htmlResponseReference = &$pageHtml;
		// Videos RegExp extraction
		$videosArrayResultsTotal = array();
		$videosArrayResultsYoutube = array();
		$videosArrayResultsVimeo = array();
		$videosArrayResultsDailymotion = array();
		preg_match_all ("/(youtube).*.com\/(v\/|watch\?v=|embed\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)/", $pageHtml, $videosArrayResultsYoutube, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		preg_match_all ("/player.(vimeo).com\/video\/([a-z0-9\-]*)/", $pageHtml, $videosArrayResultsVimeo, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		preg_match_all ("/www.(dailymotion).com\/embed\/video\/([a-z0-9\-]*)/", $pageHtml, $videosArrayResultsDailymotion, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		$videosArrayResultsTotal = array_merge($videosArrayResultsYoutube, $videosArrayResultsVimeo, $videosArrayResultsDailymotion);
$bufferVideos = null;
foreach ($videosArrayResultsTotal as $index=>$videoElement):
$this->videoID = array_pop($videoElement);
// Prevent duplicated videos, calculate video hash
$videoHash = $videoElement[1] . $this->videoID;
// Skip outputting
if(array_key_exists($videoHash, $this->outputtedVideosBuffer)) {
// Else store to prevent videos duplication
$this->outputtedVideosBuffer[$videoHash] = true;

$videoApiEndpoint = sprintf($this->videoApisEndpoints[$videoElement[1]], $this->videoID);
$HTTPResponse = $this->HTTPClient->get($videoApiEndpoint, array('Accept'=>'application/json'));
if(!$HTTPResponse->code == 200){continue;}
$this->apiJsonResponse = json_decode($HTTPResponse->body);
echo $this->loadTemplate('videos_' . $videoElement[1]);

// Always load html5 video parser at once
echo $this->loadTemplate('videos_html5');

$bufferVideos = ob_get_clean();

// If valid videos have been found and crawled let's build the video sitemap
if(isset($bufferVideos) && !empty($bufferVideos)):
<loc><?php echo $this->liveSite . htmlspecialchars($item->link, null, 'UTF-8', false); ?></loc>
<?php echo $bufferVideos; ?>