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libraries/fof/form/field/list.php 9.82 KB
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 * @package    FrameworkOnFramework
 * @subpackage form
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
 * @note	This file has been modified by the Joomla! Project and no longer reflects the original work of its author.
// Protect from unauthorized access
defined('FOF_INCLUDED') or die;


 * Form Field class for FOF
 * Supports a generic list of options.
 * @package  FrameworkOnFramework
 * @since    2.0
class FOFFormFieldList extends JFormFieldList implements FOFFormField
	protected $static;

	protected $repeatable;

	/** @var   FOFTable  The item being rendered in a repeatable form field */
	public $item;

	/** @var int A monotonically increasing number, denoting the row number in a repeatable view */
	public $rowid;

	 * Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
	 * @param   string  $name  The property name for which to the the value.
	 * @return  mixed  The property value or null.
	 * @since   2.0
	public function __get($name)
		switch ($name)
			case 'static':
				if (empty($this->static))
					$this->static = $this->getStatic();

				return $this->static;

			case 'repeatable':
				if (empty($this->repeatable))
					$this->repeatable = $this->getRepeatable();

				return $this->repeatable;

				return parent::__get($name);

	 * Get the rendering of this field type for static display, e.g. in a single
	 * item view (typically a "read" task).
	 * @since 2.0
	 * @return  string  The field HTML
	public function getStatic()
		$class = $this->element['class'] ? ' class="' . (string) $this->element['class'] . '"' : '';

		return '<span id="' . $this->id . '" ' . $class . '>' .
			htmlspecialchars(self::getOptionName($this->getOptions(), $this->value), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') .

	 * Get the rendering of this field type for a repeatable (grid) display,
	 * e.g. in a view listing many item (typically a "browse" task)
	 * @since 2.0
	 * @return  string  The field HTML
	public function getRepeatable()
		$show_link         = false;
		$link_url          = '';

		$class = $this->element['class'] ? (string) $this->element['class'] : '';

		if ($this->element['show_link'] == 'true')
			$show_link = true;

		if ($this->element['url'])
			$link_url = $this->element['url'];
			$show_link = false;

		if ($show_link && ($this->item instanceof FOFTable))
			$link_url = $this->parseFieldTags($link_url);
			$show_link = false;

		$html = '<span class="' . $this->id . ' ' . $class . '">';

		if ($show_link)
			$html .= '<a href="' . $link_url . '">';

		$html .= htmlspecialchars(self::getOptionName($this->getOptions(), $this->value), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');

		if ($show_link)
			$html .= '</a>';

		$html .= '</span>';

		return $html;

	 * Gets the active option's label given an array of JHtml options
	 * @param   array   $data      The JHtml options to parse
	 * @param   mixed   $selected  The currently selected value
	 * @param   string  $optKey    Key name
	 * @param   string  $optText   Value name
	 * @return  mixed   The label of the currently selected option
	public static function getOptionName($data, $selected = null, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text')
		$ret = null;

		foreach ($data as $elementKey => &$element)
			if (is_array($element))
				$key = $optKey === null ? $elementKey : $element[$optKey];
				$text = $element[$optText];
			elseif (is_object($element))
				$key = $optKey === null ? $elementKey : $element->$optKey;
				$text = $element->$optText;
				// This is a simple associative array
				$key = $elementKey;
				$text = $element;

			if (is_null($ret))
				$ret = $text;
			elseif ($selected == $key)
				$ret = $text;

		return $ret;

	 * Method to get the field options.
	 * Ordering is disabled by default. You can enable ordering by setting the
	 * 'order' element in your form field. The other order values are optional.
	 * - order					What to order.			Possible values: 'name' or 'value' (default = false)
	 * - order_dir				Order direction.		Possible values: 'asc' = Ascending or 'desc' = Descending (default = 'asc')
	 * - order_case_sensitive	Order case sensitive.	Possible values: 'true' or 'false' (default = false)
	 * @return  array  The field option objects.
	 * @since	Ordering is available since FOF 2.1.b2.
	protected function getOptions()
		// Ordering is disabled by default for backward compatibility
		$order = false;

		// Set default order direction
		$order_dir = 'asc';

		// Set default value for case sensitive sorting
		$order_case_sensitive = false;

		if ($this->element['order'] && $this->element['order'] !== 'false')
			$order = $this->element['order'];

		if ($this->element['order_dir'])
			$order_dir = $this->element['order_dir'];

		if ($this->element['order_case_sensitive'])
			// Override default setting when the form element value is 'true'
			if ($this->element['order_case_sensitive'] == 'true')
				$order_case_sensitive = true;

		// Create a $sortOptions array in order to apply sorting
		$i = 0;
		$sortOptions = array();

		foreach ($this->element->children() as $option)
			$name = JText::alt(trim((string) $option), preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '_', $this->fieldname));

			$sortOptions[$i] = new stdClass;
			$sortOptions[$i]->option = $option;
			$sortOptions[$i]->value = $option['value'];
			$sortOptions[$i]->name = $name;

		// Only order if it's set
		if ($order)
			FOFUtilsArray::sortObjects($sortOptions, $order, $order_dir == 'asc' ? 1 : -1, $order_case_sensitive, false);

		// Initialise the options
		$options = array();

		// Get the field $options
		foreach ($sortOptions as $sortOption)
			$option = $sortOption->option;
			$name = $sortOption->name;

			// Only add <option /> elements.
			if ($option->getName() != 'option')

			$tmp = JHtml::_('select.option', (string) $option['value'], $name, 'value', 'text', ((string) $option['disabled'] == 'true'));

			// Set some option attributes.
			$tmp->class = (string) $option['class'];

			// Set some JavaScript option attributes.
			$tmp->onclick = (string) $option['onclick'];

			// Add the option object to the result set.
			$options[] = $tmp;

		// Do we have a class and method source for our options?
		$source_file      = empty($this->element['source_file']) ? '' : (string) $this->element['source_file'];
		$source_class     = empty($this->element['source_class']) ? '' : (string) $this->element['source_class'];
		$source_method    = empty($this->element['source_method']) ? '' : (string) $this->element['source_method'];
		$source_key       = empty($this->element['source_key']) ? '*' : (string) $this->element['source_key'];
		$source_value     = empty($this->element['source_value']) ? '*' : (string) $this->element['source_value'];
		$source_translate = empty($this->element['source_translate']) ? 'true' : (string) $this->element['source_translate'];
		$source_translate = in_array(strtolower($source_translate), array('true','yes','1','on')) ? true : false;
		$source_format	  = empty($this->element['source_format']) ? '' : (string) $this->element['source_format'];

		if ($source_class && $source_method)
			// Maybe we have to load a file?
			if (!empty($source_file))
				$source_file = FOFTemplateUtils::parsePath($source_file, true);

				if (FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getIntegrationObject('filesystem')->fileExists($source_file))
					include_once $source_file;

			// Make sure the class exists
			if (class_exists($source_class, true))
				// ...and so does the option
				if (in_array($source_method, get_class_methods($source_class)))
					// Get the data from the class
					if ($source_format == 'optionsobject')
						$options = array_merge($options, $source_class::$source_method());
						// Get the data from the class
						$source_data = $source_class::$source_method();

						// Loop through the data and prime the $options array
						foreach ($source_data as $k => $v)
							$key = (empty($source_key) || ($source_key == '*')) ? $k : $v[$source_key];
							$value = (empty($source_value) || ($source_value == '*')) ? $v : $v[$source_value];

							if ($source_translate)
								$value = JText::_($value);

							$options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $key, $value, 'value', 'text');


		return $options;

	 * Replace string with tags that reference fields
	 * @param   string  $text  Text to process
	 * @return  string         Text with tags replace
	protected function parseFieldTags($text)
		$ret = $text;

		// Replace [ITEM:ID] in the URL with the item's key value (usually:
		// the auto-incrementing numeric ID)
		$keyfield = $this->item->getKeyName();
		$replace  = $this->item->$keyfield;
		$ret = str_replace('[ITEM:ID]', $replace, $ret);

		// Replace the [ITEMID] in the URL with the current Itemid parameter
		$ret = str_replace('[ITEMID]', JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('Itemid', 0), $ret);

		// Replace other field variables in the URL
		$fields = $this->item->getTableFields();

		foreach ($fields as $fielddata)
			$fieldname = $fielddata->Field;

			if (empty($fieldname))
				$fieldname = $fielddata->column_name;

			$search    = '[ITEM:' . strtoupper($fieldname) . ']';
			$replace   = $this->item->$fieldname;
			$ret  = str_replace($search, $replace, $ret);

		return $ret;