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administrator/components/com_jmap/views/google/view.html.php 10.2 KB
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// namespace administrator\components\com_jmap\views\overview;
 * @package JMAP::GOOGLE::administrator::components::com_jmap
 * @subpackage views
 * @subpackage google
 * @author Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @copyright (C) 2014 - Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @license GNU/GPLv2  
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );
 * @package JMAP::GOOGLE::administrator::components::com_jmap
 * @subpackage views
 * @subpackage google
 * @since 3.1
class JMapViewGoogle extends JMapView {
	public $jMapGoogleSearchArray = array(
	public $jMapGoogleIsoArray = array(
			'ALA'=>'land Islands',
			'ARE'=>'United Arab Emirates',
			'ASM'=>'American Samoa',
			'ATF'=>'French Southern Territories',
			'ATG'=>'Antigua and Barbuda',
			'BES'=>'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba',
			'BFA'=>'Burkina Faso',
			'BIH'=>'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
			'BLM'=>'Saint Barthlemy',
			'BOL'=>'Bolivia, Plurinational State of',
			'BRN'=>'Brunei Darussalam',
			'BVT'=>'Bouvet Island',
			'CAF'=>'Central African Republic',
			'CCK'=>'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
			'CIV'=>'Cte d\'Ivoire',
			'COD'=>'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the',
			'COK'=>'Cook Islands',
			'CPV'=>'Cape Verde',
			'CRI'=>'Costa Rica',
			'CXR'=>'Christmas Island',
			'CYM'=>'Cayman Islands',
			'CZE'=>'Czech Republic',
			'DOM'=>'Dominican Republic',
			'ESH'=>'Western Sahara',
			'FLK'=>'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
			'FRO'=>'Faroe Islands',
			'FSM'=>'Micronesia, Federated States of',
			'GBR'=>'United Kingdom',
			'GNQ'=>'Equatorial Guinea',
			'GUF'=>'French Guiana',
			'HKG'=>'Hong Kong',
			'HMD'=>'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
			'IMN'=>'Isle of Man',
			'IOT'=>'British Indian Ocean Territory',
			'IRN'=>'Iran, Islamic Republic of',
			'KNA'=>'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
			'KOR'=>'Korea, Republic of',
			'LAO'=>'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',
			'LCA'=>'Saint Lucia',
			'LKA'=>'Sri Lanka',
			'MAF'=>'Saint Martin (French part)',
			'MDA'=>'Moldova, Republic of',
			'MHL'=>'Marshall Islands',
			'MKD'=>'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of',
			'MNP'=>'Northern Mariana Islands',
			'NCL'=>'New Caledonia',
			'NFK'=>'Norfolk Island',
			'NZL'=>'New Zealand',
			'PNG'=>'Papua New Guinea',
			'PRI'=>'Puerto Rico',
			'PRK'=>'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of',
			'PSE'=>'Palestinian Territory, Occupied',
			'PYF'=>'French Polynesia',
			'RUS'=>'Russian Federation',
			'SAU'=>'Saudi Arabia',
			'SGS'=>'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
			'SHN'=>'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
			'SJM'=>'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
			'SLB'=>'Solomon Islands',
			'SLE'=>'Sierra Leone',
			'SLV'=>'El Salvador',
			'SMR'=>'San Marino',
			'SPM'=>'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
			'SSD'=>'South Sudan',
			'STP'=>'Sao Tome and Principe',
			'SXM'=>'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)',
			'SYR'=>'Syrian Arab Republic',
			'TCA'=>'Turks and Caicos Islands',
			'TTO'=>'Trinidad and Tobago',
			'TWN'=>'Taiwan, Province of China',
			'TZA'=>'Tanzania, United Republic of',
			'UMI'=>'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
			'USA'=>'United States',
			'VAT'=>'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
			'VCT'=>'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
			'VEN'=>'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of',
			'VGB'=>'Virgin Islands, British',
			'VIR'=>'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
			'VNM'=>'Viet Nam',
			'WLF'=>'Wallis and Futuna',
			'ZAF'=>'South Africa',
	 * Add the page title and toolbar.
	 * @since	1.6
	protected function addDisplayToolbar() {
		$user = JFactory::getUser();
		if($this->getModel()->getState('googlestats', 'analytics') == 'webmasters') {
			JToolBarHelper::title( JText::_( 'COM_JMAP_GOOGLE_WEBMASTERS_TOOLS' ), 'jmap' );
		} else {
			JToolBarHelper::title( JText::_( 'COM_JMAP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS' ), 'jmap' );

		// Store logged in status in session
		if($this->isLoggedIn) {
			JToolBarHelper::custom('google.deleteEntity', 'lock', 'lock', 'COM_JMAP_GOOGLE_LOGOUT', false);
		if ($user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_jmap') && $this->getModel()->getState('googlestats', 'analytics') == 'webmasters' && $this->isLoggedIn) {
			JToolBarHelper::custom('google.submitSitemap', 'upload', 'upload', 'COM_JMAP_SUBMIT_SITEMAP', false);
		JToolBarHelper::custom('cpanel.display', 'home', 'home', 'COM_JMAP_CPANEL', false);
	 * Default display listEntities
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $tpl
	 * @return void
	public function display($tpl = null) {
		// Get main records
		$lists = $this->get ( 'Lists' );
		$this->document->addScript ( JUri::root ( true ) . '/administrator/components/com_jmap/js/google.js' );
		// Check the Google stats type and retrieve stats data accordingly, supported types are 'analytics' and 'webmasters'
		if($this->getModel()->getState('googlestats', 'analytics') == 'webmasters') {
			$googleData = $this->get ( 'DataWebmasters' );
			if(!$this->getModel()->getState('loggedout')) {
				$tpl = 'webmasters';
			// Load resources
			$this->loadJQueryUI($this->document); // Required for calendar feature
			$this->document->addScriptDeclaration("jQuery(function(){jQuery('input[data-role=calendar]').datepicker({dateFormat : 'yy-mm-dd'}).prev('span').on('click', function(){jQuery(this).datepicker('show');});});");
			$this->document->addScript(JUri::root(true) . '/administrator/components/com_jmap/js/tablesorter/jquery.tablesorter.js');

			// Set dates
			$dates = array('from'=>$this->getModel()->getState('fromPeriod'), 'to'=>$this->getModel()->getState('toPeriod'));
			$this->dates = $dates;
		} else {
			$googleData = $this->get ( 'Data' );
		// Inject js translations
		$translations = array(
		$this->injectJsTranslations($translations, $this->document);
		$this->globalConfig = JFactory::getConfig();
		$this->timeZoneObject = new DateTimeZone($this->globalConfig->get('offset'));
		$this->document->addScriptDeclaration("var jmap_baseURI='" . JUri::root() . "';");
		$this->lists = $lists;
		$this->googleData = $googleData;
		$this->isLoggedIn = $this->getModel()->getToken();
		$this->statsDomain = $this->getModel()->getState('stats_domain', JUri::root());
		$this->hasOwnCredentials = $this->getModel()->getState('has_own_credentials', false);
		$this->option = $this->getModel ()->getState ( 'option' );
		// Aggiunta toolbar
		parent::display ($tpl);