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libraries/joomla/mediawiki/search.php 3.09 KB
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 * @package     Joomla.Platform
 * @subpackage  MediaWiki
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE

defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;

 * MediaWiki API Search class for the Joomla Platform.
 * @since  3.1.4
class JMediawikiSearch extends JMediawikiObject
	 * Method to perform a full text search.
	 * @param   string   $srsearch     Search for all page titles (or content) that has this value.
	 * @param   array    $srnamespace  The namespace(s) to enumerate.
	 * @param   string   $srwhat       Search inside the text or titles.
	 * @param   array    $srinfo       What metadata to return.
	 * @param   array    $srprop       What properties to return.
	 * @param   boolean  $srredirects  Include redirect pages in the search.
	 * @param   integer  $sroffest     Use this value to continue paging.
	 * @param   integer  $srlimit      How many total pages to return.
	 * @return  object
	 * @since   3.1.4
	public function search($srsearch, array $srnamespace = null, $srwhat = null, array $srinfo = null, array $srprop = null,
		$srredirects = null, $sroffest = null, $srlimit = null)
		// Build the request.
		$path = '?action=query&list=search';

		if (isset($srsearch))
			$path .= '&srsearch=' . $srsearch;

		if (isset($srnamespace))
			$path .= '&srnamespace=' . $this->buildParameter($srnamespace);

		if (isset($srwhat))
			$path .= '&srwhat=' . $srwhat;

		if (isset($srinfo))
			$path .= '&srinfo=' . $this->buildParameter($srinfo);

		if (isset($srprop))
			$path .= '&srprop=' . $this->buildParameter($srprop);

		if ($srredirects)
			$path .= '&srredirects=';

		if (isset($sroffest))
			$path .= '&sroffest=' . $sroffest;

		if (isset($srlimit))
			$path .= '&srlimit=' . $srlimit;

		// Send the request.
		$response = $this->client->get($this->fetchUrl($path));

		return $this->validateResponse($response);

	 * Method to search the wiki using opensearch protocol.
	 * @param   string   $search     Search string.
	 * @param   integer  $limit	     Maximum amount of results to return.
	 * @param   array    $namespace  Namespaces to search.
	 * @param   string   $suggest    Do nothing if $wgEnableOpenSearchSuggest is false.
	 * @param   string   $format     Output format.
	 * @return  object
	 * @since   3.1.4
	public function openSearch($search, $limit = null, array $namespace = null, $suggest = null, $format = null)
		// Build the request.
		$path = '?action=query&list=search';

		if (isset($search))
			$path .= '&search=' . $search;

		if (isset($limit))
			$path .= '&limit=' . $limit;

		if (isset($namespace))
			$path .= '&namespace=' . $this->buildParameter($namespace);

		if (isset($suggest))
			$path .= '&suggest=' . $suggest;

		if (isset($format))
			$path .= '&format=' . $format;

		// Send the request.
		$response = $this->client->get($this->fetchUrl($path));

		return $this->validateResponse($response);