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layouts/joomla/form/field/subform/repeatable-table.php 4.4 KB
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 * @package     Joomla.Site
 * @subpackage  Layout
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

 * Make thing clear
 * @var JForm   $tmpl             The Empty form for template
 * @var array   $forms            Array of JForm instances for render the rows
 * @var bool    $multiple         The multiple state for the form field
 * @var int     $min              Count of minimum repeating in multiple mode
 * @var int     $max              Count of maximum repeating in multiple mode
 * @var string  $fieldname        The field name
 * @var string  $control          The forms control
 * @var string  $label            The field label
 * @var string  $description      The field description
 * @var array   $buttons          Array of the buttons that will be rendered
 * @var bool    $groupByFieldset  Whether group the subform fields by it`s fieldset

// Add script
if ($multiple)
	JHtml::_('jquery.ui', array('core', 'sortable'));
	JHtml::_('script', 'system/subform-repeatable.js', array('version' => 'auto', 'relative' => true));

// Build heading
$table_head = '';

if (!empty($groupByFieldset))
	foreach ($tmpl->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) {
		$table_head .= '<th>' . JText::_($fieldset->label);

		if ($fieldset->description)
			$table_head .= '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($fieldset->description) . '</small>';

		$table_head .= '</th>';

	$sublayout = 'section-byfieldsets';
	foreach ($tmpl->getGroup('') as $field) {
		$table_head .= '<th>' . strip_tags($field->label);

		if ($field->description)
			$table_head .= '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($field->description) . '</small>';

		$table_head .= '</th>';

	$sublayout = 'section';

	// Label will not be shown for sections layout, so reset the margin left
		'.subform-table-sublayout-section .controls { margin-left: 0px }'
<div class="row-fluid">
	<div class="subform-repeatable-wrapper subform-table-layout subform-table-sublayout-<?php echo $sublayout; ?> form-vertical">
			data-bt-add="<?php echo $unique_subform_id; ?>"
			data-bt-remove="<?php echo $unique_subform_id; ?>"
			data-bt-move="<?php echo $unique_subform_id; ?>"
			data-repeatable-element="tr.subform-repeatable-group-<?php echo $unique_subform_id; ?>"
			data-rows-container="tbody.rows-container-<?php echo $unique_subform_id; ?>"
			data-minimum="<?php echo $min; ?>" data-maximum="<?php echo $max; ?>"
			<table class="adminlist table table-striped table-bordered">
						<?php echo $table_head; ?>
						<?php if (!empty($buttons)) : ?>
							<th style="width:8%;">
								<?php if (!empty($buttons['add'])) : ?>
									<div class="btn-group">
											class="btn btn-mini button btn-success group-add group-add-<?php echo $unique_subform_id; ?>"
											aria-label="<?php echo JText::_('JGLOBAL_FIELD_ADD'); ?>"
											<span class="icon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>
								<?php endif; ?>
						<?php endif; ?>
				<tbody class="rows-container-<?php echo $unique_subform_id; ?>">
					<?php foreach ($forms as $k => $form):
						echo $this->sublayout(
								'form' => $form,
								'basegroup' => $fieldname,
								'group' => $fieldname . $k,
								'buttons' => $buttons,
								'unique_subform_id' => $unique_subform_id,
					endforeach; ?>

			<?php if ($multiple) : ?>
				<template class="subform-repeatable-template-section" style="display: none;"><?php
					// Use str_replace to escape HTML in a simple way, it need for IE compatibility, and should be removed later
					echo str_replace(
							array('<', '>'),
							array('SUBFORMLT', 'SUBFORMGT'),
										'form' => $tmpl,
										'basegroup' => $fieldname,
										'group' => $fieldname . 'X',
										'buttons' => $buttons,
										'unique_subform_id' => $unique_subform_id,
			<?php endif; ?>