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PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP="Two Factor Authentication - Google Authenticator"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_ERR_VALIDATIONFAILED="You did not enter a valid security code. Please check your Google Authenticator setup and make sure that the time on your device matches the time on the site."
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_INTRO="This feature allows you to use Google Authenticator, or a compatible application such as FreeOTP, for two factor authentication. In addition to your username and password you will also need to provide a six digit security code to be able to login to this site. The security code is rotated every 30 seconds. This provides extra protection against hackers logging in to your account even if they were able to get hold of your password."
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_POSTINSTALL_TITLE="Two Factor Authentication is Available"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_POSTINSTALL_BODY="<p>Joomla! comes with a built-in two factor authentication system. It secures your site login with a secondary secret code that's changing every 30 seconds. You can use your mobile device and the <a href="_QQ_""_QQ_" target="_QQ_"_blank"_QQ_">Google Authenticator</a> app to produce that code.</p><p>By selecting the button below:</p><ul><li>Joomla! will enable the two factor authentication plugins</li><li>Two Factor Authentication is going to be available for all users.</li><li>Each user can configure Two Factor Authentication in User Details.</li><li>You can always disable Two Factor Authentication plugin, or configure it for Backend usage only.</li><li>You will be taken to your user profile page where you can find more information on two factor authentication and enable it for your user account.</li></ul>"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_POSTINSTALL_ACTION="Enable two factor authentication"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_SECTION_DESC="In which sections of your site do you want to enable two factor authentication?"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP1_HEAD="Step 1 - Get Google Authenticator"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP1_ITEM1="Official Google Authenticator app for Android, iOS and BlackBerry"
; Check the URL and change the part hl=en to your language tag if this is available (example hl=de; hl=zh-cn; hl=zh-tw)
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP1_ITEM2="Compatible clients for other devices and operating system (listed in Wikipedia)."
; Change and check this link if there is a translation in your language available. (current: German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Polish)
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP1_TEXT="Download and install <a href="_QQ_""_QQ_" target="_QQ_"_blank"_QQ_">Google Authenticator</a>, or a compatible application such as <a href="_QQ_""_QQ_" target="_QQ_"_blank"_QQ_">FreeOTP</a>, on your smartphone or desktop. Use one of the following:"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP1_WARN="Please remember to sync your device's clock with a time-server. Time drift in your device may cause an inability to log in to your site."
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP2_ALTTEXT="Alternatively, you can scan the following QR code in Google Authenticator."
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP2_RESET="If you want to change the key, disable the two factor authentication. When you try enabling it again it will generate a new key."
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP2_TEXT="You will need to enter the following information to Google Authenticator or a compatible app."
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP3_HEAD="Step 3 - Activate Two Factor Authentication"
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_STEP3_TEXT="To verify that everything is set up properly, please enter the security code displayed in Google Authenticator in the field below. Afterwards, please save your user profile. If the code is correct, the Two Factor Authentication feature will be enabled."
PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_XML_DESCRIPTION="Allows users on your site to use two factor authentication using <a href="_QQ_""_QQ_" target="_QQ_"_blank"_QQ_">Google Authenticator</a> or other compatible time-based One Time Password generators such as <a href="_QQ_""_QQ_" target="_QQ_"_blank"_QQ_">FreeOTP</a>. To use two factor authentication please edit the user profile and enable two factor authentication."