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administrator/components/com_jce/helpers/toolbar.php 5.8 KB
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 * @copyright 	Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Ryan Demmer. All rights reserved
 * @license   	GNU/GPL 2 or later -
 * JCE is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses
defined('_JEXEC') or die('RESTRICTED');

abstract class WFToolbarHelper
    public static function createClick($link, $w, $h)
        return "Joomla.modal(this, '".$link."', ".$w.', '.$h.');return false;';

    public static function help($type)

        $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $tag = $language->getTag();

        $sub = explode('.', $type);
        $category = array_shift($sub);
        $article = implode('.', $sub);

        $link = 'index.php?option=com_jce&amp;view=help&amp;tmpl=component&amp;section=admin&category='.$category.'&article='.$article.'&amp;lang='.substr($tag, 0, strpos($tag, '-'));

        $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');

        $w = 780;
        $h = 560;


        if (class_exists('JHtmlSidebar')) {
            $html = '<button onclick="'.self::createClick($link, $w, $h).'" class="btn btn-small" title="'.WFText::_('WF_HELP').'"><i class="icon-help"></i>&nbsp;'.WFText::_('WF_HELP').'</button>';
        } else {
            $html = '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank" onclick="'.self::createClick($link, $w, $h).'" class="help" title="'.WFText::_('WF_HELP').'">';
            $html .= '<span class="icon-32-help" title="'.WFText::_('WF_HELP').'"></span>'.WFText::_('WF_HELP').'</a>';

        $bar->appendButton('Custom', $html, 'help');

     * Writes a configuration button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin).
     * @param	string	The name of the component, eg, com_content
     * @param	int		The height of the popup
     * @param	int		The width of the popup
     * @param	string	The name of the button
     * @param	string	An alternative path for the configuation xml relative to JPATH_SITE
     * @since 1.0
    public static function preferences()
        if (defined('JPATH_PLATFORM')) {
        } else {
            $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');

            $link = 'index.php?option=com_jce&amp;view=preferences&amp;tmpl=component';

            $w = 780;
            $h = 560;

            $html = '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank" onclick="'.self::createClick($link, $w, $h).'" class="preferences" title="'.WFText::_('WF_PREFERENCES_TITLE').'">';
            $html .= '<span class="icon-32-config icon-32-options" title="'.WFText::_('WF_PREFERENCES_TITLE').'"></span>'.WFText::_('WF_PREFERENCES').'</a>';

            $bar->appendButton('Custom', $html, 'config');

     * Writes a configuration button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin).
     * @param	string	The name of the component, eg, com_content
     * @param	int		The height of the popup
     * @param	int		The width of the popup
     * @param	string	The name of the button
     * @param	string	An alternative path for the configuation xml relative to JPATH_SITE
     * @since 1.0
    public static function updates($enabled = false)
        $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
        // Add a configuration button
        $w = 780;
        $h = 560;

        if (defined('JPATH_PLATFORM')) {
            return false;

        $link = 'index.php?option=com_jce&amp;view=updates&amp;tmpl=component';

        if ($enabled) {

            $html = '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank" onclick="'.self::createClick($link, $w, $h).'" class="updates" title="'.WFText::_('WF_UPDATES').'">';
            $html .= '<span class="icon-32-default icon-32-update" title="'.WFText::_('WF_HELP').'"></span>'.WFText::_('WF_UPDATES').'</a>';

            $bar->appendButton('Custom', $html, 'updates');

    public static function export()
        if (class_exists('JHtmlSidebar')) {
            $icon = 'download';
        } else {
            $icon = defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') ? 'export' : 'unarchive';

        self::custom('export', $icon, $icon.'_f2', 'WF_PROFILES_EXPORT', true);

    public static function save($task = 'save')
        return JToolBarHelper::save($task);

    public static function apply($task = 'apply')
        return JToolbarHelper::apply($task);

    public static function cancel($task = 'cancel')
        return JToolbarHelper::cancel($task);

    public static function editListx($task = 'edit')
        if (method_exists('JToolbarHelper', 'editListx')) {
            return JToolbarHelper::editListx($task);

        return JToolbarHelper::editList($task);

    public static function addNewx($task = 'add')
        if (method_exists('JToolbarHelper', 'addNewx')) {
            return JToolbarHelper::addNewx($task);

        return JToolbarHelper::addNew($task);

    public static function custom($task = '', $icon = '', $iconOver = '', $alt = '', $listSelect = true, $x = false)
        return JToolbarHelper::custom($task, $icon, $iconOver, $alt, $listSelect, $x);

    public static function publishList($task = 'publish')
        return JToolbarHelper::publishList($task);

    public static function unpublishList($task = 'unpublish')
        return JToolbarHelper::unpublishList($task);

    public static function deleteList($msg = '', $task = 'remove', $alt = '')
        return JToolbarHelper::deleteList($msg, $task, $alt);