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 * @package         Regular Labs Library
 * @version         18.2.10140
 * @author          Peter van Westen <>
 * @link  
 * @copyright       Copyright © 2018 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved
 * @license GNU/GPL

var RegularLabsMultiSelect = null;

(function($) {
	"use strict";

	$(document).ready(function() {
		$('.rl_multiselect').each(function() {

	RegularLabsMultiSelect = {
		init: function(element) {
			var controls  = element.find('div.rl_multiselect-controls');
			var list      = element.find('ul.rl_multiselect-ul');
			var menu      = element.find('div.rl_multiselect-menu-block').html();
			var maxheight = list.css('max-height');

			list.find('li').each(function() {
				var $li  = $(this);
				var $div = $li.find('div.rl_multiselect-item:first');

				// Add icons
				$li.prepend('<span class="pull-left icon-"></span>');

				// Append clearfix
				$div.after('<div class="clearfix"></div>');

				if ($li.find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub').length) {
					// Add classes to Expand/Collapse icons
					$li.find('span.icon-').addClass('rl_multiselect-toggle icon-minus');

					// Append drop down menu in nodes

					if (!$li.find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub ul.rl_multiselect-sub').length) {

			// Takes care of the Expand/Collapse of a node
			list.find('span.rl_multiselect-toggle').click(function() {
				var $icon = $(this);

				// Take care of parent UL
				if ($icon.parent().find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub').is(':visible')) {
					$icon.parent().find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub span.rl_multiselect-toggle').removeClass('icon-minus').addClass('icon-plus');
				} else {
					$icon.parent().find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub span.rl_multiselect-toggle').removeClass('icon-plus').addClass('icon-minus');

			// Takes care of the filtering
			controls.find('input.rl_multiselect-filter').keyup(function() {
				var $text = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
				list.find('li').each(function() {
					var $li = $(this);
					if ($li.text().toLowerCase().indexOf($text) < 0) {
					} else {

			// Checks all checkboxes in the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-checkall').click(function() {
				list.find('input').prop('checked', true);

			// Unchecks all checkboxes in the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-uncheckall').click(function() {
				list.find('input').prop('checked', false);

			// Toggles all checkboxes in the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-toggleall').click(function() {
				list.find('input').each(function() {
					var $input = $(this);
					if ($input.prop('checked')) {
						$input.prop('checked', false);
					} else {
						$input.prop('checked', true);

			// Expands all sub-items in the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-expandall').click(function() {

			// Hides all sub-items in the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-collapseall').click(function() {

			// Shows all selected items in the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-showall').click(function() {

			// Shows all selected items in the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-showselected').click(function() {
				list.find('li').each(function() {
					var $li   = $(this);
					var $hide = true;
					$li.find('input').each(function() {
						if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
							$hide = false;
							return false;

					if ($hide) {


			// Maximizes the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-maximize').click(function() {
				list.css('max-height', '');

			// Minimizes the list
			controls.find('a.rl_multiselect-minimize').click(function() {
				list.css('max-height', maxheight);

			// Take care of children check/uncheck all
			element.find('a.checkall').click(function() {
				$(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub input').prop('checked', true);
			element.find('a.uncheckall').click(function() {
				$(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub input').prop('checked', false);

			// Take care of children toggle all
			element.find('a.expandall').click(function() {
				var $parent = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent();
				$parent.find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub span.rl_multiselect-toggle').removeClass('icon-plus').addClass('icon-minus');
			element.find('a.collapseall').click(function() {
				var $parent = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent();
				$parent.find('li ul.rl_multiselect-sub').hide();
				$parent.find('li span.rl_multiselect-toggle').removeClass('icon-minus').addClass('icon-plus');
			element.find('div.rl_multiselect-item.hidechildren').click(function() {
				var $parent = $(this).parent();

				$(this).find('input').each(function() {
					var $sub   = $parent.find('ul.rl_multiselect-sub').first();
					var $input = $(this);
					if ($input.prop('checked')) {
						$parent.find('span.rl_multiselect-toggle, div.rl_multiselect-menu').css('visibility', 'hidden');
						if (!$sub.parent().hasClass('hidelist')) {
							$sub.wrap('<div style="display:none;" class="hidelist"></div>');
					} else {
						$parent.find('span.rl_multiselect-toggle, div.rl_multiselect-menu').css('visibility', 'visible');
						if ($sub.parent().hasClass('hidelist')) {