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components/com_jmap/views/sitemap/tmpl/default_images_menu.php 8.74 KB
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 * @package JMAP::SITEMAP::components::com_jmap
 * @subpackage views
 * @subpackage sitemap
 * @subpackage tmpl
 * @author Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @copyright (C) 2015 - Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @license GNU/GPLv2
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );

$priority =  $this->sourceparams->get ( 'priority', '0.5' );
$changefreq = $this->sourceparams->get ( 'changefreq', 'daily' );
$imagetitleProcessorRegexp = $this->sourceparams->get('imagetitle_processor', $this->cparams->get('imagetitle_processor', 'title|alt'));
$includeExternalLinks =  $this->sourceparams->get ( 'include_external_links', 1 );
$fakeImages = $this->cparams->get ( 'fake_images_processor', 0 );
$lazyloadImages = $this->cparams->get ( 'lazyload_images_processor', 0 );
$includeDescriptionOnly = $this->cparams->get ( 'include_description_only', 0 );
$cdnProtocol = $this->cparams->get ('cdnprotocol', '');
$trailingSlash = '/';
$removeHomeSlash = $this->cparams->get('remove_home_slash', 0);

// Init exclusion
$imgFilterInclude = array();
if(trim($this->sourceparams->get ( 'images_filter_include', '' ))) {
	$imgFilterInclude = explode(',', $this->sourceparams->get ( 'images_filter_include', '' ));
$imgFilterExclude = array();
if(trim($this->sourceparams->get ( 'images_filter_exclude', 'pdf,print,email,templates' ))) {
	$imgFilterExclude = explode(',', $this->sourceparams->get ( 'images_filter_exclude', 'pdf,print,email,templates' ));

// Init and merge global inclusions filters data sources wide
if($globalImagesFilterInclude = trim($this->cparams->get ( 'images_global_filter_include', '' ))) {
	$imgGlobalFilterInclude = explode(',', $globalImagesFilterInclude);
	$imgFilterInclude = array_merge($imgFilterInclude, $imgGlobalFilterInclude);
// Init and merge global exclusions filters data sources wide
if($globalImagesFilterExclude = trim($this->cparams->get ( 'images_global_filter_exclude', '' ))) {
	$imgGlobalFilterExclude = explode(',', $globalImagesFilterExclude);
	$imgFilterExclude = array_merge($imgFilterExclude, $imgGlobalFilterExclude);

// Get menus object
$menusArray = $this->application->getMenu()->getMenu();

if (count ( $this->source->data )) {
	foreach ( $this->source->data as $elm ) { 
		// Check to ensure is counting valid request
		if(!$this->HTTPClient->isValidRequest()) {
		// Skip menu external links
		if($elm->type == 'url' && !$includeExternalLinks) {
		// Always skip external urls in XML sitemaps
		if($elm->type == 'url' && strpos($elm->link, $this->liveSite) === false) {
		// Avoid place link for separator and alias
		if(in_array($elm->type, array('separator', 'alias', 'heading'))) {
		$link = $elm->link;
		if (isset ( $elm->id )) {
			switch (@$elm->type) {
				case 'separator' :
				case 'alias' :
				case 'heading' :
				case 'url' :
					if (preg_match ( "#^/?index\.php\?#", $link )) {
						if (strpos ( $link, 'Itemid=' ) === FALSE) {
							if (strpos ( $link, '?' ) === FALSE) {
								$link .= '?Itemid=' . $elm->id;
							} else {
								$link .= '&amp;Itemid=' . $elm->id;
				default :
					if (strpos ( $link, 'Itemid=' ) === FALSE) {
						$link .= '&amp;Itemid=' . $elm->id;
		if (strcasecmp ( substr ( $link, 0, 9 ), 'index.php' ) === 0) {
			$link = JRoute::_ ( $link );
		// SEF patch for better match uri con $link override
		if ($elm->type == 'component' && array_key_exists($elm->id, $menusArray)) {
			$link = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $elm->id;
			$link = JRoute::_ ( $link );
		if ($elm->home && $removeHomeSlash) { // HOME
			$link = rtrim($link, '/');
			$trailingSlash = '';
		// Skip outputting
		if(array_key_exists($link, $this->outputtedLinksBuffer)) {
		// Else store to prevent duplication
		$this->outputtedLinksBuffer[$link] = true;
		$this->imagesOutputtedLinksBuffer = array();
		// HTTP Request to remote URL '$seolink' to get images
		$headers = array('Accept'=>'text/html', 'User-Agent'=>'JSitemapbot/1.0');
		$HTTPResponse = $this->HTTPClient->get( preg_match('/^http/i', $link) ? $link : $this->liveSiteCrawler . (strpos($link, '/') === 0 ? $link : $trailingSlash . $link), $headers);
		$pageHtml = $HTTPResponse->body;
		// Images RegExp extraction
		$imagesArrayResults = array();
		preg_match_all ( $this->mainImagesRegex, $pageHtml, $imagesArrayResults );
		$imagesTags = $imagesArrayResults[0];
		$imagesLinks = $imagesArrayResults[4];

		// Crawl and merge images also from dummy gallery images?
		if($fakeImages) {
			preg_match_all ( '/(<a)([^>])*(href=["\']([^"\']+\.(jpg|gif|png|svg|webp))["\'])([^>])*/i', $pageHtml, $dummyImagesArrayResults );
			$dummyImagesTags = $dummyImagesArrayResults[0];
			$dummyImagesLinks = $dummyImagesArrayResults[4];
			$imagesTags = array_merge($imagesTags, $dummyImagesTags);
			$imagesLinks = array_merge($imagesLinks, $dummyImagesLinks);
		// Crawl and merge images also from dummy gallery images?
		if($lazyloadImages) {
			preg_match_all ( '/(<img)([^>])*((data-src|data-lazyload)=["\']([^"\']+\.(jpg|gif|png|svg|webp))["\'])([^>])*/i', $pageHtml, $lazyloadImagesArrayResults );
			$lazyloadImagesTags = $lazyloadImagesArrayResults[0];
			$lazyloadImagesLinks = $lazyloadImagesArrayResults[5];
			$imagesTags = array_merge($imagesTags, $lazyloadImagesTags);
			$imagesLinks = array_merge($imagesLinks, $lazyloadImagesLinks);
		// Custom images tags and attributes
		if($this->validCustomImagesProcessor) {
			$dynamicRegex = '/(<' . implode('|<', $this->validExplodedTags) . ')([^>])*((' . implode('|', $this->validExplodedAttributes) . ')=["\']([^"\']+\.(jpg|gif|png|svg|webp))["\'])([^>])*/i';
			preg_match_all ( $dynamicRegex, $pageHtml, $customFoundImagesArrayResults );
			$customFoundImagesTags = $customFoundImagesArrayResults[0];
			$customFoundImagesLinks = $customFoundImagesArrayResults[5];
			$imagesTags = array_merge($imagesTags, $customFoundImagesTags);
			$imagesLinks = array_merge($imagesLinks, $customFoundImagesLinks);

$bufferImages = null;
foreach ($imagesLinks as $index=>$imageLink):
// Skip outputting
if(array_key_exists($imageLink, $this->imagesOutputtedLinksBuffer)) {
$validImage = true;
$found = false;
$optionalImageTitle = false;
// Extended images filtering include
if(is_array($imgFilterInclude) && count($imgFilterInclude)):
	foreach ($imgFilterInclude as $filterInclude) :
		if(strstr($imagesTags[$index], trim($filterInclude))) {
			$found = true;
$validImage = false;

// Extended images filtering exclude
if(is_array($imgFilterExclude) && count($imgFilterExclude)):
	foreach ($imgFilterExclude as $filterExclude) :
		if(strstr($imagesTags[$index], trim($filterExclude))) {
			$validImage = false;
// Image not valid so don't insert in sitemap
// Check for optional image title
if(stristr($imagesTags[$index], 'title=') || stristr($imagesTags[$index], 'alt=')) {
	$optionalTitleMatches = array();
	// Crawl and merge images also from dummy gallery images?
	if($this->validCustomImagesProcessor) {
		$dynamicTitlesRegex = '/(<img|<a|<' . implode('|<', $this->validExplodedTags) . ')([^>])*(('.$imagetitleProcessorRegexp.')=(["\'])([^\5]*)\5)/iU';
		preg_match($dynamicTitlesRegex, $imagesTags[$index], $optionalTitleMatches);
	} elseif($fakeImages) {
		preg_match('/(<img|<a)([^>])*(('.$imagetitleProcessorRegexp.')=(["\'])([^\5]*)\5)/iU', $imagesTags[$index], $optionalTitleMatches);
	} else {
		preg_match('/(<img)([^>])*(('.$imagetitleProcessorRegexp.')=(["\'])([^\5]*)\5)/iU', $imagesTags[$index], $optionalTitleMatches);
	if(!empty($optionalTitleMatches[6])) {
		$optionalImageTitle = '<image:title>' . htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($optionalTitleMatches[6], null, 'UTF-8'), null, 'UTF-8', false) . '</image:title>' . PHP_EOL;
// Check if image description is required and missing
if(!$optionalImageTitle && $includeDescriptionOnly) {
$this->imagesOutputtedLinksBuffer[$imageLink] = true;
<image:loc><?php echo htmlspecialchars(preg_match('/^http|^\/\//i', $imageLink) ? ($cdnProtocol && strpos($imageLink, 'http') === false ? $cdnProtocol . $imageLink : $imageLink) : $this->liveSite . '/' . ltrim($imageLink, '/'), null, 'UTF-8', false);?></image:loc>
<?php echo $optionalImageTitle;?>
$bufferImages = ob_get_clean();

// Se sono presenti immagini
if(isset($bufferImages) && !empty($bufferImages)):
<loc><?php echo  preg_match('/^http/i', $link) ? htmlspecialchars($link, null, 'UTF-8', false) : $this->liveSite . htmlspecialchars($link, null, 'UTF-8', false); ?></loc>
<?php echo $bufferImages; ?>