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libraries/regularlabs/src/DB.php 1.95 KB
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 * @package         Regular Labs Library
 * @version         18.2.10140
 * @author          Peter van Westen <>
 * @link  
 * @copyright       Copyright © 2018 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved
 * @license GNU/GPL

namespace RegularLabs\Library;

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

use JFactory;

 * Class DB
 * @package RegularLabs\Library
class DB
	 * Check if a table exists in the database
	 * @param string $table
	 * @return bool
	public static function tableExists($table)
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();

		if (strpos($table, '#__') === 0)
			$table = $db->getPrefix() . substr($table, 3);

		if (strpos($table, $db->getPrefix()) !== 0)
			$table = $db->getPrefix() . $table;

		$query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE ' . $db->quote($table);
		$result = $db->loadResult();

		return ! empty($result);

	 * Create an IN statement
	 * Reverts to a simple equals statement if array just has 1 value
	 * @param string|array $value
	 * @param bool         $include
	 * @return string
	public static function in($value, $include = true)
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();

		$value = $db->quote($value);

		if (empty($value) && ! is_array($value))
			return ' = 0';

		$operator = $include ? ' = ' : ' != ';

		if ( ! is_array($value))
			return $operator . $value;

		if (count($value) == 1)
			return $operator . reset($value);

		$operator = $include ? ' IN ' : ' NOT IN ';
		$values   = empty($value) ? "''" : implode(',', $value);

		return $operator . '(' . $values . ')';

	 * Create an LIKE statement
	 * @param string $value
	 * @param bool   $include
	 * @return string
	public static function like($value, $include = true)
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();

		$operator = $include ? ' LIKE ' : ' NOT LIKE ';

		return $operator . $db->quote($value);
