Blame view

components/com_jmap/views/sitemap/tmpl/videos/default_videos_html5.php 2.98 KB
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 * @package JMAP::SITEMAP::components::com_jmap
 * @subpackage views
 * @subpackage sitemap
 * @subpackage tmpl
 * @subpackage videos 
 * @author Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @copyright (C) 2015 - Joomla! Extensions Store
 * @license GNU/GPLv2
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );

// Ensure that DOMDocument is enabled
if (!class_exists('DOMDocument') || !$this->htmlResponseReference) {

// Load the document
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$videos = $doc->getElementsByTagName('video');

// DOMNodeList iterator
foreach ($videos as $video) {
	if($video->hasAttributes()) {
		// Video is required
		$videoTitle = $video->getAttribute('title');
		if(!$videoTitle) {
		// Filters the video
		$this->videoTitle = $videoTitle;
		// Only valid videos will be included in the sitemap
			$videoDescription = $video->getAttribute('alt');
			$videoDescription = $videoDescription ? $videoDescription : $videoTitle;
			$videoPoster = $video->getAttribute('poster');
			$videoDuration = $video->getAttribute('data-duration');
			$childSources = $video->getElementsByTagName('source');
			$hasSources = false;
			foreach ($childSources as $childSource) {
				$hasSources = true;
			// Video poster or sources are required
			if(!$videoPoster || !$hasSources) {
			// Prevent duplicated videos, calculate video hash
			$videoHash = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $videoTitle));
			// Skip outputting
			if(array_key_exists($videoHash, $this->outputtedVideosBuffer)) {
			// Else store to prevent videos duplication
			$this->outputtedVideosBuffer[$videoHash] = true;
<video:thumbnail_loc><?php echo htmlspecialchars(preg_match('/^http|^\/\//i', $videoPoster) ? $videoPoster : $this->liveSite . '/' . ltrim($videoPoster, '/'), null, 'UTF-8', false);?></video:thumbnail_loc>
<video:title><?php echo htmlspecialchars($videoTitle, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');?></video:title>
<video:description><![CDATA[<?php echo JString::substr($videoDescription, 0, 2048);?>]]></video:description>
			$childSources = $video->childNodes;
			foreach ($childSources as $source) {
				// Embed always only the first source tag encontered to ensure XML validation
				if($source->nodeName == 'source' && $source->hasAttributes()) {
					$videoSrc = $source->getAttribute('src');
					$videoSrc = htmlspecialchars(preg_match('/^http|^\/\//i', $videoSrc) ? $videoSrc : $this->liveSite . '/' . ltrim($videoSrc, '/'), null, 'UTF-8', false)
<video:player_loc allow_embed="yes" autoplay="ap=1"><?php echo $videoSrc;?></video:player_loc>
<?php if($videoDuration):?>
<video:duration><?php echo $videoDuration;?></video:duration>
<?php endif;?>